Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
It is known for sure the Royal Saud family does donate to her.

It's just that they went from broke to throwing Chelsea (who btw makes $650k fresh out of college) her $3M wedding..it was a Goldman-Sachs affair to be sure..and now they're worth is $600M?

sky, You've gone into truthy territory along with Pie. Its fact that Clintons are part of the 1% and so they mix with that group. Bill and Hill most certainly work the system to make as much as they can. Yet what you say is fact free in terms of proof of corruption. Corruption is giving favors in return for money. This is proof of corruption how? Your having a belief does not make it a fact.


Well-Known Member
He wants a one sentence answer.

I have posted all this info already.
No you haven't Pie. Just like the "Hillary lied to Congress" line, you posted background information that had no substance. This shit has gone on for 25 or so years and 90% is just shit. So post something that proves your point, not truthy wannabetruthbecausethatswhatIwantittobe opinion.


Well-Known Member
From the link you posted as "proof":

For there to be criminal conflict of interest, there would have to be evidence showing a government employee received something of value in exchange, such as a job post-employment or money.
There doesn't appear to be anything so far suggesting that in the newly released heavily redacted emails from Judicial Watch, but those emails do raise questions about whether the relationship between the State Department and Clinton Foundation was too cozy, particularly after Clinton pledged she would not be involved with the foundation when she became secretary of state in an effort to prevent an inappropriate relationship.

In fact, this "proof" of corruption is not that at all. No facts but a lot of questions by people who would benefit if the rumor were true. And no evidence, just questions. This is just another smear. And doesn't even involve the Clintons.

I smell another investigation that ends with the reactionary right and left -- full of fury but goes nowhere. Rumors, discussions of possible investigations, misquotes, and in the end, the "damning" document contains nothing substantial.

On the other hand, I will give Pie credit for providing the citation. I don't know why she couldn't read the whole thing. I suspect confirmation bias but that's just my opinion.


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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
"The right-wing organization behind this lawsuit has been attacking the Clintons since the 1990s and no matter how this group tries to mischaracterize these documents, the fact remains that Hillary Clinton never took action as secretary of state because of donations to the Clinton Foundation," Schwerin said in a statement."
Clinton campaign spokesman Josh Schwerin.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
From the link you posted as "proof":

For there to be criminal conflict of interest, there would have to be evidence showing a government employee received something of value in exchange, such as a job post-employment or money.
There doesn't appear to be anything so far suggesting that in the newly released heavily redacted emails from Judicial Watch, but those emails do raise questions about whether the relationship between the State Department and Clinton Foundation was too cozy, particularly after Clinton pledged she would not be involved with the foundation when she became secretary of state in an effort to prevent an inappropriate relationship.

In fact, this "proof" of corruption is not that at all. No facts but a lot of questions by people who would benefit if the rumor were true. And no evidence, just questions. This is just another smear. And doesn't even involve the Clintons.

I smell another investigation that ends with the reactionary right and left -- full of fury but goes nowhere. Rumors, discussions of possible investigations, misquotes, and in the end, the "damning" document contains nothing substantial.

On the other hand, I will give Pie credit for providing the citation. I don't know why she couldn't read the whole thing. I suspect confirmation bias but that's just my opinion.
those emails do raise questions about whether the relationship between the State Department and Clinton Foundation was too cozy, particularly after Clinton pledged she would not be involved with the foundation when she became secretary of state in an effort to prevent an inappropriate relationship.


Well-Known Member
those emails do raise questions about whether the relationship between the State Department and Clinton Foundation was too cozy, particularly after Clinton pledged she would not be involved with the foundation when she became secretary of state in an effort to prevent an inappropriate relationship.
"Raise questions" Is this what you've come to think significant? As I've said, you don't need facts, just an opinion. And you cry when nobody arrests Hillary because your opinion.


Well-Known Member
those emails do raise questions about whether the relationship between the State Department and Clinton Foundation was too cozy, particularly after Clinton pledged she would not be involved with the foundation when she became secretary of state in an effort to prevent an inappropriate relationship.
So, investigate away. Then cry when nothing happens. It's the same old shit.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So, investigate away. Then cry when nothing happens. It's the same old shit.
There will be an investigation.

I post articles that highlight suspicious activity and unscrupulous actions by the clintons.

Don't like it? Tough shit. The media does its best to hide or bury criticism of Hillary. So I will shout it from the rooftops when I find something I think others might want to see.

Why do you think it is ok for the Clintons to be receiving donations from countries while they are in negotiations with those countries?

Have you looked into some of the work the clinton foundation has done? They made a lot of haitians very sick with the constructed homes they "donated".

Everything that Trump has done pales in comparison to the Clintons. If he was truly worse than her, then I would be voting for jill stein.
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