Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Dammmmmmn. She is sick. The body can only hold evil for so long before destroying it's host. Or cancer. Something is killing her. Now we know why she hasn't been giving any speeches.

Is anyone else super creeped out by kaine?
If this was true Cheney would be dead. Try sticking to facts


Well-Known Member
You do have to admit, it is cool that we are going to have a women president though.
why is that even a qualifier? That she has a vagina? The minute gender/color is mentioned diminishes the achievement IMO. If she's elected it should be because she's the most qualified for the job. the fact that she's female should be irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
Hillary is dropping FAST in the polls.

CNN has trump leading her by 2 points.
and NBC has her up by 6. national average, she is up by 4. but that is inconsequential.

last poll out of pennsylvania has her up by 8 there.

how can trump get to 270 without pennsylvania? :lol:

care to draw that map for me?

poor, unintelligent pie.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
why is that even a qualifier? That she has a vagina? The minute gender/color is mentioned diminishes the achievement IMO. If she's elected it should be because she's the most qualified for the job. the fact that she's female should be irrelevant.
Ok I'm sorry........ God.... I just thought it was cool we are going to have a gay president and its a lady. Just showing how far this great country has come. These are just my thoughts sorry if i offened you.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm sorry........ God.... I just thought it was cool we are going to have a gay president and its a lady. Just showing how far this great country has come. These are just my thoughts sorry if i offened you.
Oh NOOO! Not offended at all.:bigjoint: On the contrary. As a female, I believe if we truly want equality then we should stop bringing our gender into it and just do the fucking job. Let one's performance speak for itself. I was implying that sometimes feminism, not equality is the problem. :peace: Does that make sense?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I don't know what you mean. Your not saying Obama is a gay man and that his wife is really a man in drag?
how would I know or even care,makes me no difference about either of their sex lives,pussy or dick is irrelevant,the fact Joan rivers crazy old ass made the comment is what's funny to me,watch the clip & see if you don't laugh .

I'm no fan of Obama,but I still couldn't care less about his sex life,or any issue about his giant samsquanch wife,she isn't president,the entire 1st lady deal makes me sick,they should all stfu.


Well-Known Member
how would I know or even care
you cared enough to post it, kkkiddo.

,makes me no difference about either of their sex lives,pussy or dick is irrelevant,the fact Joan rivers crazy old ass made the comment is what's funny to me,watch the clip & see if you don't laugh .

I'm no fan of Obama,but I still couldn't care less about his sex life,or any issue about his giant samsquanch wife,she isn't president,the entire 1st lady deal makes me sick,they should all stfu.
why are you so angry?

tiny penis? byproduct of standing side by side with the KKK? mad about being down so badly in the polls? parents grounded you?


Well-Known Member
I'm angry because you run block for KKK & crooked politicians.

why do you lurk around preschools ?
i don't see how that's possible since you are supporting the KKK-endorsed candidate, who is also on trial for raping a 13 year old child.

but i guess you support pedophilia and stand side by side with the KKK proudly.

what's up with all the projection, KKKiddo?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
i don't see how that's possible since you are supporting the KKK-endorsed candidate, who is also on trial for raping a 13 year old child.

but i guess you support pedophilia and stand side by side with the KKK proudly.

what's up with all the projection, KKKiddo?
dummy up snitch !

does your mom know your a snitch or does everybody share your snitch pay outs ?

I'll bet she'd wash your mouth out with soap if she knew what a good telling ass you were.
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