Hillary Clinton


Well-Known Member
Dear Knowm,
I understand you are skeptical, and that is good. Most people cannot seperate politics from personal feelings. There have been many people whose politics I disagree with, but would wish well. But, Bill and Hillary Clinton should have been indicted on many different criminal counts. However, they have the ability to stack the deck in their favor.

The conspiracy question huh? Any time people bring up the so-called suicide of Vincent Foster, the early deaths of eleven Arkansas Highway Patrol officers assigned to Gov. Clinton, and the unexplained deaths of three dozen other close friends of the Clintons, a kook conspiracy charge surfaces. She rants about a "vast right-wing conspiracy" to harm her and Bill. Somehow, when true facts are offered, it is always a conspirocy. Bill had one bout with the grand jury in the District of Columbia. For some reason or another, they solely stuck on the issues of purjury and suborning perjury. But the grand jury handed the prosecutor a true-bill-of-justice. An indictment that caused him to forfeit his law licsence.

Many people in Arkansas believe the very worst about these two people. A democrat, Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, has on numerous occassions said terrible things. Including, questions about mysterious deaths, evidense chain of custody issues, absurd "official" Medical Examiner reports, and many other unresolved problems. Many grand jury true-bills have been handed down, related to Clinton associates. But, the Clintons have always skated on an Arkansas appearance because of the deaths of potential witnesses.

I believe anyone who examines the pile of evidense against these two thugs would conclude that Hillary is the worst possible choice for president.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Dear Knowm,
I understand you are skeptical, and that is good. Most people cannot seperate politics from personal feelings. There have been many people whose politics I disagree with, but would wish well. But, Bill and Hillary Clinton should have been indicted on many different criminal counts. However, they have the ability to stack the deck in their favor.

The conspiracy question huh? Any time people bring up the so-called suicide of Vincent Foster, the early deaths of eleven Arkansas Highway Patrol officers assigned to Gov. Clinton, and the unexplained deaths of three dozen other close friends of the Clintons, a kook conspiracy charge surfaces. She rants about a "vast right-wing conspiracy" to harm her and Bill. Somehow, when true facts are offered, it is always a conspirocy. Bill had one bout with the grand jury in the District of Columbia. For some reason or another, they solely stuck on the issues of purjury and suborning perjury. But the grand jury handed the prosecutor a true-bill-of-justice. An indictment that caused him to forfeit his law licsence.

Many people in Arkansas believe the very worst about these two people. A democrat, Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, has on numerous occassions said terrible things. Including, questions about mysterious deaths, evidense chain of custody issues, absurd "official" Medical Examiner reports, and many other unresolved problems. Many grand jury true-bills have been handed down, related to Clinton associates. But, the Clintons have always skated on an Arkansas appearance because of the deaths of potential witnesses.

I believe anyone who examines the pile of evidense against these two thugs would conclude that Hillary is the worst possible choice for president.
You are a great writer.. and this post wreaks of rumor mongering...

Maybe, just maybe something in here is based on fact.. like the LAW LICENSE being revoked.. :)

BUT if you are accusing them of killing police officers and others... then some evidence.. or a link without FOX news in it would be nice..

I went to Arkansas for an armwrestling tournament and stopped at the Clinton Library... those people love him.. personal experience..

YOU SOUND like the written version of FOX



New Member
I am someone who wishes bill clinton was still president, and i really dunno what it is but i cannot bring myself to want hillary to be president. i just dont get good vibes from her for some reason, and as weird as it sounds, i dont see muc of a difference between her and giuliani. (who is my last place choice for president)

I like Obama, edwards, even kucinich.. and im a pro gun democrat, i just think these guys are pretty damn geniune.. i admit that im a ron paul supporter as well

people dont understand how i can support so many differnet candidates who have such different political ideals. In my eyes the game has changed, we need someone who isn't pandering to corporate interests. someone who cares about the people and personal liberty. right now we are choosing between which rights we are going to lose. both sides seem to be in love with censorship, and while hte democrats want to take away our gun rights for some reason, the republicans want to take away all our rights and liberties BESIDES our gun rights.

Republicans tend to use the word liberal as an insult, i dont see it that way. they also like to throw words like "tax and spend" around, well tax and spend is better than the "spend and spend" we have been doing for the past 7 years.


Well-Known Member
You are a great writer.. and this post wreaks of rumor mongering...

Maybe, just maybe something in here is based on fact.. like the LAW LICENSE being revoked.. :)

BUT if you are accusing them of killing police officers and others... then some evidence.. or a link without FOX news in it would be nice..

I went to Arkansas for an armwrestling tournament and stopped at the Clinton Library... those people love him.. personal experience..

YOU SOUND like the written version of FOX

Dear Knowm,
I was raised by New Deal democrats. I've read Harry Truman's autobiography (about 850 pages). Thank you for your praise, but I am not half good enough to write for Fox. I recently took a writing test for PBS and they said I was not qualified. But, this is not about what I feel, it is about established facts in evidence.

There have been many videos, like this, produced over the years. They are true, yet disbelievers claim some conspiracy. I have known many people from Arkansas who are ashamed of these two liars. Most citizens are afraid to speak up against the thugs. Enemies of the Clintons DIE!

See for yourself.
YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #01 of 12

ps, A government insider told me that the military went nuts with Clinton. He was considered so dangerous he would never have received a security clearance of any kind. Yet he was elected Prez.



Well-Known Member
I am someone who wishes bill clinton was still president, and i really dunno what it is but i cannot bring myself to want hillary to be president. i just dont get good vibes from her for some reason, and as weird as it sounds, i dont see muc of a difference between her and giuliani. (who is my last place choice for president)

I like Obama, edwards, even kucinich.. and im a pro gun democrat, i just think these guys are pretty damn geniune.. i admit that im a ron paul supporter as well

people dont understand how i can support so many differnet candidates who have such different political ideals. In my eyes the game has changed, we need someone who isn't pandering to corporate interests. someone who cares about the people and personal liberty. right now we are choosing between which rights we are going to lose. both sides seem to be in love with censorship, and while hte democrats want to take away our gun rights for some reason, the republicans want to take away all our rights and liberties BESIDES our gun rights.

Republicans tend to use the word liberal as an insult, i dont see it that way. they also like to throw words like "tax and spend" around, well tax and spend is better than the "spend and spend" we have been doing for the past 7 years.
If Harry Truman were here today, he would tell you we need someone who will tell the truth. Read his autobiography yourself. Many of these candidates today, not only pander to special interests, but straight out lie to America!


Well-Known Member

What do I need to disprove?

I was not comparing my shit color to Hilary... I was giving you an example of "DATA" ..... with conclusions being drawn from data.

THE SHIT WAS LIGHT (this is a fact)
THE LIGHT SHIT REVEALS DEHYDRATION (this is conclusion from data)

Your posts only give the conclusions.. I just want some simple data.. I will draw my own conclusions.

Does that make sense to you?

I have nothing to prove or disprove. I am pretty darn ignorant on all the candidates.. that is why I need some facts about Hilary...

The fact that she is BUTCH or a DYKE or some guy is pissed cause they would not accept his money after they REALLY accepted it.. means nothing to me...

I want to know some facts that are relevant to her being president.

For example. Her husband use to be the president of the USA and she has clear experience in the White House.

This seems like relevant material to me.

Another example - She voted for the war (sending young boys to fight to the death) and her current plan for troop removal lacks any dates or time line.

Just like my shits color revealed something.. so do these bits of info...

I am not asking for your pro wrestling perspective on Hilary... I want the facts...


I appreciate your efforts to help pull me out of ignorance
Jezamacrow. Are you trying to blind yourself to the facts I so clearly handed you, or do you really not make sense of it when I say she as done NOTHING. Experience in the white house? With what? she couldn't even keep her husband on a leash. You want her to run the country when the only vote that she gave that ever even mattered was one that she won't even own up to?

The fact that she has experience with absolutely NO success is like saying that no matter how many gallons of water she drinks..her shit is still light brown, but you'll hold it out for her to pull through with whatever the NONdehydrated color is. (can't believe you have to use shit as an analogy in order to make common groung in this thread.)

Case in point: If you are so left wing that you felt communism is the way...you STILL won't vote for her because she can't get shit done. If you felt any other way, say conservatively, you still wouldn't vote for her for the same reason plus the fact that she is a communist. Do ya get the drift or do I need to take a shit and send it express to ya?
I'm voting for her. She has the most class, integrity and professionalism.

Please help me change my mind... and do it without attacking her.. when you attack her, all I see is YOUR pussy..

Just a quicky

Class - hmmm stand by your husband after he's proven to have been given a blowjob by his secretary, why? Political power. Classy I think not.

Integrity - She changes her policies based on the poll of the day. Integrity I think not.

Professionalism - This could be a winner on your part but the first two points would be enough for me not to have any respect or faith in her.


Well-Known Member
I'm voting for her. She has the most class, integrity and professionalism.

Please help me change my mind... and do it without attacking her.. when you attack her, all I see is YOUR pussy..

That made me laugh out loud. Awesome, just awesome.

Reasons Why Hillary is the wrong choice? I'm not certain she is the wrong choice for the Ds. However, there are some things about her which worry me

She is not quick on her feet. She stumbles because she cannot find the right response and avoid criticism for her opponents. Her events are over-scripted to avoid having to answer any questions. As soon as she finished speaking at a recent rally, speakers played her theme music at high volumes immediately after she stopped speaking. Too loud and abrupt to allow any questions.

There are still questions without answers. Her fingerprints on missing FBI files she said she had never seen. Her connection with Web Hubbell and the Rose Law firm billing records.

She made her Secret Service detail handle her luggage - precisely what they should not be doing if they are protecting the first family. I understand she has great contempt for them, just as she had for Arkansas State Troopers.

Using Chelsea's cat to make herself more human through those cuddly 'Socks' books. Once the 2nd term is over the cat goes to live with Betty Curry. Nice.

At the White House, employees were instructed to avoid eye contact with the First Lady unless she addressed them. Her 'little people' attitude toward the average citizen appalls me.

The whole planting of questions thing. The lame 'attacks' on Obama's past drug use. Both were handled badly, incompetently.

She reminds me of Richard Nixon: Enemy lists; Never forgetting grudges; and The paranoia.


New Member
If it's Hillarious or Gudiani the cross dresser, I have to go with Hillarious, given other choices like Ron Paul, of course she is out. I think the conspiracy nuts overkill their suspicions of the Clintons, They may have been a little shady, but the economy was never better than under Bill Clintons watch. I'm pretty sure we are about to experience the worst economy since I've been alive, and you can definently blame that on Bush.


Well-Known Member
I think Bill has done better numerous times,~LOL~.
Monica Lewinsky isn't much of an upgrade:spew:...Bill's kinda weird, he was president of the United States. He could of had any number of beautiful women and he still goes after the ugly ones. Somethin's wrong with the dude.


Well-Known Member
Monica Lewinsky isn't much of an upgrade:spew:...Bill's kinda weird, he was president of the United States. He could of had any number of beautiful women and he still goes after the ugly ones. Somethin's wrong with the dude.

what about paula? she was a real looker.:spew:


Well-Known Member
Cdnuolt blveiee tahtI cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!


New Member
Cdnuolt blveiee tahtI cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Yeah especially the title of this piece, The Hillary "Cam(pain)e", I guess this was a spoof on spelling also,~LOL~>