Hillary Clinton


New Member
Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), on the September 15, 2002 Meet the Press: "I can support the President. I can support an action against Saddam Hussein because I think it's in the long-term interests of our national security." Tapper: "Now, she says this:"
Clinton in Berlin, New Hampshire on Saturday: "I gave him authority to send inspectors back in to determine the truth, and I said this is not a vote to authorize preemptive war."
Man in audience: "I want to know if right here, right now, you can say that that war authorization vote was a mistake?"
Clinton: "I have taken responsibility for my vote. The mistakes were made by this President.”
—Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center


Well-Known Member
Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), on the September 15, 2002 Meet the Press: "I can support the President. I can support an action against Saddam Hussein because I think it's in the long-term interests of our national security." Tapper: "Now, she says this:"
Clinton in Berlin, New Hampshire on Saturday: "I gave him authority to send inspectors back in to determine the truth, and I said this is not a vote to authorize preemptive war."
Man in audience: "I want to know if right here, right now, you can say that that war authorization vote was a mistake?"
Clinton: "I have taken responsibility for my vote. The mistakes were made by this President.”
—Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center
Exactly. What kind of professionalism and integrity are we looking for here? The kind where people F up and admit to it...or the kind where they dodge questions and when pinned with a yes/no as to a mistake they made they blame everyone else. If you want to play that card, Bush isn't to blame because he too, acted on "bad information." Whether that is the case is a matter of debate, but at least Bush has the decency to turn to Cheney and ask "wadda I say?" before slinging stones. Clinton is on the fast track to Kim Jung Il status, where no matter what comes out of her mouth she is alwas right. It's times like these where we have to take a stand and demand a REAL answer....even if she has to ask Dick Cheney about what the real answer is.


New Member
The woman voted for the Iraq war and now she won't even admit it's a mistake. If she would just do that instead of yap about G.W. I would have more respect. She is more concerned about public image and opinion than how she actually feels. Barack Obama, now this guy is for real. Voted against Iraq war at a time where everybody thought it would be political suicide. Now he's right b/c he stood up for what he believes. Plus, he smoked weed and snorted coke all through college so we can relate, minus the coke. lol
Barak Obama had not been elected to the senate when the Iraq war vote was taken....


New Member
I am voting for John Edwards in the primary...If Hillary wins the nomination I will vote for her. The more outrageous people get about the Clintons the more I like them....:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I am voting for John Edwards in the primary...If Hillary wins the nomination I will vote for her. The more outrageous people get about the Clintons the more I like them....:mrgreen:
So you are a true Liberal. Forcing health care down everyone's throat like some intellectual elite can run our lives better than we can ourselves. Also, he even stated that he will raise taxes. Thats a big no-no. What that means is he will raise them to the point that it suffocates the economy. No nominee says he will rais taxes unless he is prepping you for a drastic change. You probably don't care though. You are probably among those that will benefit from the "redistribution" of money. I like how you avoided my statement on the vote on the Iraq war.

As long as they keep claiming they didnt do stuff they did, they openly invite criticism.

Regarding the Clintonista Duo and their mistakes:
I did not have sex.
I did not support the war.
I did not sell Chinese intelligence.
I did not move to NY to run to get the "experience" so I can run for President.
I did not fund the war.

Every lie = one more reason to bring them up..

Oh but I think that Bush is to blame for all of that.:roll:


Well-Known Member
And STILL...no one has brought up ONETHING Hillary Clinton has done as a Senator. Did you hear? I'm running for Pres....now what as Hillary done better than me? The only answer you can give is "at least she tried."


Well-Known Member
"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the right of ordinary Americans."
--Bill Clinton March 11th 1993

I beg to wonder if she thinks any differently to her husband or any other dummies hoping to be any world leader of any description.

I just downloaded 'Aaron Russo's: American Freedom to Fascism' documentary and I here paying tax is not a legal requirement in the US. I think, if that is so, then some people need to do some homework before electing anyone to do anything in their favor... unless one likes that sort of thing, I dunno?

(i didn't attack her - woopwoop)


New Member
So you are a true Liberal. Forcing health care down everyone's throat like some intellectual elite can run our lives better than we can ourselves. Also, he even stated that he will raise taxes. Thats a big no-no. What that means is he will raise them to the point that it suffocates the economy. No nominee says he will rais taxes unless he is prepping you for a drastic change. You probably don't care though. You are probably among those that will benefit from the "redistribution" of money. I like how you avoided my statement on the vote on the Iraq war.

As long as they keep claiming they didnt do stuff they did, they openly invite criticism.

Regarding the Clintonista Duo and their mistakes:
I did not have sex.
I did not support the war.
I did not sell Chinese intelligence.
I did not move to NY to run to get the "experience" so I can run for President.
I did not fund the war.

Every lie = one more reason to bring them up..

Oh but I think that Bush is to blame for all of that.:roll:
yes, I am a liberal...
I do not care who Bill Clinton had sex with, it's none of my business and I would have lied about it also, and have lied about it.
Do you not see a problem with health care in the U.S.?:confused:
We have the highest medical costs in the world, we have the highest ifant mortality rate of any industrialized nation.
What happened to the compasionate conservative President
Bush talks about.


New Member
yes, I am a liberal...
I do not care who Bill Clinton had sex with, it's none of my business and I would have lied about it also, and have lied about it.
Do you not see a problem with health care in the U.S.?:confused:
We have the highest medical costs in the world, we have the highest ifant mortality rate of any industrialized nation.
What happened to the compasionate conservative President
Bush talks about.
Good for you. It's about time us liberals stood up and answered the call. The neo-cons have spun the word liberal into a guttersnipe word meaning pinko commie. Not true. A liberal is more defined by the word progressive and I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure we could use some progress around here. The Neo-cons have tried to make us liberals feel like we aren't true Americans but some benefit grabbing scumbags, while we all know it is the neo-cons and the elites that have bankrupted this great Country. I guess to sum it up, I'd have to say fuck all you neo-cons, you've stolen democracy and turned it into oligarcic fascism.


Well-Known Member

Do you not see a problem with health care in the U.S.?:confused:
We have the highest medical costs in the world, we have the highest ifant mortality rate of any industrialized nation.
Do you know what socialized medicine is? Its not the answer to infant mortality rates, thats for sure. If anything, your boy should be pro life if he cared about that.

Go to South Central Los Angeles and try to get in the emergency room with a broken arm. Then you will know what it means to have mandated health care along with everyone else. You'll wait 18 hours or more. Then you'll talk to a berucrat, not a doctor. Then wait a couple more days...by the time you get in...if your willing to wait that long, you find yourself wondering why all these people with colds are in the emergency room. Perhaps because its "free?" But we know that it is not relaly free, nothing is. The taxes get put through a beurocratic wash cycle, and you ed up getting 42 cents per dollar if your lucky. What if your a doctor and want to open a private practice? You have to be ruled by government because everyone is covered by the government, not privately. If th government tells the doctors to move, they have to move to where the government tells them to and they can't question it. Furthermore...how can you tell a government that controls your health care no? what about when they take your guns away? Then your freedom of speech? We still can rise up against a machine that has not quite total control over us yet. Give them the key to your biological heart, and they control over your very life. There are problems and Nixon isn't exactly hero, but Socialized Medicine is just one of the ways for government to take total control over the very essense of your being...your life.


Well-Known Member
Good for you. It's about time us liberals stood up and answered the call. The neo-cons have spun the word liberal into a guttersnipe word meaning pinko commie. Not true. A liberal is more defined by the word progressive and I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure we could use some progress around here. The Neo-cons have tried to make us liberals feel like we aren't true Americans but some benefit grabbing scumbags, while we all know it is the neo-cons and the elites that have bankrupted this great Country. I guess to sum it up, I'd have to say fuck all you neo-cons, you've stolen democracy and turned it into oligarcic fascism.
Democracy ain't shit without freedom. What good is the right to vote when you are enabled by this intrusive and highly controlling government? You will never vote for the guy that takes away your health care. Talk about bankrupt, Hillary said "it doesn't matter where you work how much you make or if you work, you will be covered under my plan." That doesn't make economic sense. the only answer the Dems have is raise taxes and short of that, they fall into a deficit that we can't crawl out of. Nor would we ever want to. Hill's Pills are addictive. Once you have a handout...you can't send it back. To be enabled is to be DISABLED. I know from experience growing up...so don't call ME a neo-con. I like Ron Paul.


Well-Known Member
Hillary Clinton is the poster child for all that is wrong with our current federal government. She will simply insure more of the same crap. Higher taxes, bigger government, more entitlements. She certainly would never attempt to legalize marijuana or any other unconstitutionally outlawed drug.
Of the current candidates there is only one who could possibly be worse than Hillary, and that is the jackass John Edwards; a gigantic phony and film-flam artist.

Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that has any possibility of actually challenging the corrupt status quo, and returning this nation to its constitutional directives.

I love what Thomas Sowel says about Edwards.....hahahah and only too true!...........

John Edwards is the easiest to peg. He looks just like the phony that he is.

His talk about poor children going to bed hungry may rouse the far left in his party but in fact the lowest-income people are even more obese than the rest of us, not that the facts make the slightest difference to Senator Edwards.

As an attorney, Edwards conned millions of dollars out of gullible juries, using junk science to create the impression that it was the fault of doctors when babies were born with birth defects.
Thomas Sowell on 2008 on National Review Online=


Well-Known Member
Hillary Clinton is the poster child for all that is wrong with our current federal government. She will simply insure more of the same crap. Higher taxes, bigger government, more entitlements. She certainly would never attempt to legalize marijuana or any other unconstitutionally outlawed drug.
Of the current candidates there is only one who could possibly be worse than Hillary, and that is the jackass John Edwards; a gigantic phony and film-flam artist.

Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that has any possibility of actually challenging the corrupt status quo, and returning this nation to its constitutional directives.

I love what Thomas Sowel says about Edwards.....hahahah and only too true!...........

John Edwards is the easiest to peg. He looks just like the phony that he is.

His talk about poor children going to bed hungry may rouse the far left in his party but in fact the lowest-income people are even more obese than the rest of us, not that the facts make the slightest difference to Senator Edwards.

As an attorney, Edwards conned millions of dollars out of gullible juries, using junk science to create the impression that it was the fault of doctors when babies were born with birth defects.
Thomas Sowell on 2008 on National Review Online=

Good article. Excellent points. BTW, Marx, when you talk about neo-cons is Ron Paul included in that class?


Well-Known Member
Good one VV, just one thing though. When all these home prices come tumbling down, and all the current residents have to evacuate because their home is worth way less than they owe, who is going to pick up those pieces?This sounds like the dream of a first time home buyer.
Not my dream at all, my house is almost all paid off, I never did refie it. I used to process personal income taxess and I Know what a lie the supposed tax saving's are. If I go to the casino and lay my money on the line and lose who picks up the pieces. No one, because I made the gamble. I would assume it would have to be family and friends, it certainly shouldn't be me. That is the problem with your liberalism, you want us all to share, you just can't figure out any way to get the money men to pay their fair share.
In addition to that, if we make sure the govenrment doesn't step in the lenders will have to make better deals or lose thier ass. Since they took a gamble and received a highter interest rate for the 'subprime loan' they should take a loss. VV


New Member
Hillary Clinton is the poster child for all that is wrong with our current federal government. She will simply insure more of the same crap. Higher taxes, bigger government, more entitlements. She certainly would never attempt to legalize marijuana or any other unconstitutionally outlawed drug.
Of the current candidates there is only one who could possibly be worse than Hillary, and that is the jackass John Edwards; a gigantic phony and film-flam artist.

Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that has any possibility of actually challenging the corrupt status quo, and returning this nation to its constitutional directives.

I love what Thomas Sowel says about Edwards.....hahahah and only too true!...........

John Edwards is the easiest to peg. He looks just like the phony that he is.

His talk about poor children going to bed hungry may rouse the far left in his party but in fact the lowest-income people are even more obese than the rest of us, not that the facts make the slightest difference to Senator Edwards.

As an attorney, Edwards conned millions of dollars out of gullible juries, using junk science to create the impression that it was the fault of doctors when babies were born with birth defects.
Thomas Sowell on 2008 on National Review Online=
But...how do you really feel? you quote a bunch of people, you do not give any facts. opinions are like assholes...everybody has one. do you really believe that there are a bunch of obese poor kids?
If a doctor left a surgical tool in your wife or child and they died or were left a vegetable...you better hope you get lawyer as good as John Edwards...:mrgreen:



FACT- Hillary clinton certainly IS NOT ron paul...

that is the undeniable truth
and that is why you shouldn't vote for her =p