Hillary officially launches 2016 Campaign for President

I find it interesting that America has had a history of killing communists to help
stop the spread of this festering disease.

thank your for quoting me..but couldn't quote it normally, so it looks good? do you have computer issues? one of those old guys that don't really know how to use one?..
I think people need to b eve more aware if who they are voting for. The only candidate that actually cares about u and NOT Their constituents. Please everyone think avout this it likely the most important decisions on the decade.


And vote for a dem just because u belive in gay marriage or because your friends tell you too. Republicans are NOT against gay marriage they are just trying to promote Christians rite to have their own bond specific to their religion.

I was fortunate to attend a neuro seminar where Dr. Carson was a guest speaker, I never heard of him before but he left a lasting impression.... as an expert in his field of neurology. He was an excellent speaker. He's out of his depth as a presidential candidate. I'd rather see him run for Mayor of Detroit first just to see how he acts. He makes too many whacky statements for the media not to circle like sharks and focus on that instead of his economic policy, his healthcare knowledge or his general platform. All I know about his politics is that he thinks gay is choice because of prison rape. That is the kind thing we'll hear about in the media.
I was fortunate to attend a neuro seminar where Dr. Carson was a guest speaker...He was an excellent speaker.


do you think there is something about melanin that precludes people with more of it from being good speakers?

I was fortunate to attend a neuro seminar where Dr. Carson was a guest speaker, I never heard of him before but he left a lasting impression.... as an expert in his field of neurology. He was an excellent speaker. He's out of his depth as a presidential candidate. I'd rather see him run for Mayor of Detroit first just to see how he acts. He makes too many whacky statements for the media not to circle like sharks and focus on that instead of his economic policy, his healthcare knowledge or his general platform. All I know about his politics is that he thinks gay is choice because of prison rape. That is the kind thing we'll hear about in the media.

what about those that don't go to prison..how do they get the 'gay' on them?
what about those that don't go to prison..how do they get the 'gay' on them?
I'd trust the man with my life if I needed brain surgery and would listen to him on financial advice but I sure wouldn't seek his opinion on social issues. That little statement will kill what little minute chance he may have had of being taken seriously.

You forgot to mention that you don't read any of my posts;-)
That little statement will kill what little minute chance he may have had of being taken seriously.

yeah, it totally wasn't when he compared health insurance reform to slavery.

and totally not his prediction that obama will declare martial law in advance of the 2016 election.

or totally not the fact that he tried to kill his best friend and his own mom over trivial little nothings.

ben carson is an idiotic inner city detroit thug.
I MET A FEW of them in the town of Pibor last year. These battle-tested veterans had just completed two or three years of military service. They told me about the rigors of a soldier’s life, about toting AK-47s, about the circumstances that led them to take up arms. In the United States, not one of these soldiers would have met the age requirements to enlist in the Army. None were older than 16.

Rebel forces in southern Sudan began using child soldiers long before seceding from Sudan in 2011. The United States, on the other hand, passed a law in 2008 that banned providing military assistance to nations that use child soldiers. The law was called the Child Soldiers Prevention Act, or CSPA, but after South Sudan’s independence, the White House issued annual waivers that kept aid flowing to the world’s newest nation despite its use of child soldiers. President Obama stated in 2012 that the waiver that year was in “the national interest of the United States.”

Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state when the first waivers were issued, was apparently never asked to comment on them, and the State Department never provided any explanations about its role. Clinton had spent years vowing to defend the rights of children worldwide — in 2012, she railed against “modern-day slavery” in the introduction to a State Department report on human trafficking that took aim at the “unlawful recruitment or use of children” by armed forces. Yet she does not appear to have publicly explained her role in allowing South Sudan and other countries to receive military support despite using children as combatants. In fact, the State Department played a central role in issuing the controversial waivers, according to two sources, including a former State Department official.

Until now, however, there has been little of mention of Clinton’s handling of South Sudan. With strong U.S. support, South Sudan became an independent country while she was secretary of state — and soon spiraled into a disastrous civil war that involved large numbers of child soldiers. The CSPA waivers and the broader panoply of military and diplomatic support that was extended to South Sudan and the government of its president, Salva Kiir, failed to prevent a descent into violence that has cost more than 50,000 lives and forced more than 2.4 million people to flee their homes.

T A MAJOR CONFERENCE on South Sudan in 2011, Clinton spoke about “the opportunity to make it possible for [South Sudan’s] children to envision a different future.” Yet in that same year, the Obama administration used a technicality to gain a CSPA exemption for South Sudan, since the list of countries subject to the law that year was created before the new nation became independent. There would be no “different future” for South Sudan’s child soldiers in 2011, nor the next year, when the White House issued a waiver for South Sudan, as well as for now war-torn Libya and Yemen.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets with President Salva Kiir at the Presidential Office Building in Juba, South Sudan, Aug. 3, 2012.

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Hillary Clinton took a lot of flak on Monday after a report surfaced that the presidential candidate wore a Giorgio Armani jacket worth more than $12,000 during a speech in April about inequality.

The approval of American chemical weapons sales to Egypt as Mubarak’s associates were stocking Clinton family interests with cash is but one example of a dynamic that prevailed though Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. During the roughly two years of Arab Spring protests that confronted authoritarian governments with popular uprisings, Clinton’s State Department approved $66 million worth of so-called Category 14 exports -- defined as "toxicological agents, including chemical agents, biological agents and associated equipment" -- to nine Middle Eastern governments that either donated to the Clinton Foundation or whose affiliated groups paid Bill Clinton speaking fees.

That represented a 50 percent overall increase in such export approvals to the same countries over the two years prior to the Arab Spring, according to an International Business Times review of State Department documents. In the same time period, Arab countries that did not donate to the Clinton Foundation saw an overall decrease in their State Department approvals to purchase chemical and biological materials. The increase in chemical, biological and related exports to Clinton Foundation donors was part of a larger jumpin overall arms sales authorized by Hillary Clinton’s State Department to foreign governments that gave her family’s foundation at least $54 million, according to a previous IBTimes analysis.

“The goal of conflicts-of-interest standards and government ethics standards is to set up a system where the public can be confident that officials are a making decisions on their merits, and not that there is a financial stake in the matter,” Clark told IBTimes.

In a similar instance, Saudi Arabia received a little less than $5 million in Category 14 authorizations in 2008 and 2009, but then in 2010 -- Clinton’s first full fiscal year in office -- the State Department approved $18 million of such authorizations. Saudi Arabia is one of the Clinton Foundation’s largest donors, having given at least $10 million in the years before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state.

Because Clinton’s State Department stopped detailing its arms approvals, congressional lawmakers and the public cannot discern if the U.S. gave the Saudis and other autocratic regimes offensive weapons like tear gas (or more deadly substances) or defensive equipment to protect soldiers from chemical exposure.

The approval of American chemical weapons sales to Egypt as Mubarak’s associates were stocking Clinton family interests with cash is but one example of a dynamic that prevailed though Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. During the roughly two years of Arab Spring protests that confronted authoritarian governments with popular uprisings, Clinton’s State Department approved $66 million worth of so-called Category 14 exports -- defined as "toxicological agents, including chemical agents, biological agents and associated equipment" -- to nine Middle Eastern governments that either donated to the Clinton Foundation or whose affiliated groups paid Bill Clinton speaking fees.

That represented a 50 percent overall increase in such export approvals to the same countries over the two years prior to the Arab Spring, according to an International Business Times review of State Department documents. In the same time period, Arab countries that did not donate to the Clinton Foundation saw an overall decrease in their State Department approvals to purchase chemical and biological materials. The increase in chemical, biological and related exports to Clinton Foundation donors was part of a larger jumpin overall arms sales authorized by Hillary Clinton’s State Department to foreign governments that gave her family’s foundation at least $54 million, according to a previous IBTimes analysis.

“The goal of conflicts-of-interest standards and government ethics standards is to set up a system where the public can be confident that officials are a making decisions on their merits, and not that there is a financial stake in the matter,” Clark told IBTimes.

In a similar instance, Saudi Arabia received a little less than $5 million in Category 14 authorizations in 2008 and 2009, but then in 2010 -- Clinton’s first full fiscal year in office -- the State Department approved $18 million of such authorizations. Saudi Arabia is one of the Clinton Foundation’s largest donors, having given at least $10 million in the years before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state.

Because Clinton’s State Department stopped detailing its arms approvals, congressional lawmakers and the public cannot discern if the U.S. gave the Saudis and other autocratic regimes offensive weapons like tear gas (or more deadly substances) or defensive equipment to protect soldiers from chemical exposure.
Sweet copy and paste bro. Do you have any original thought to add to this word salad?
Clinton Readies General Election Fight, Sharpening Attacks On Trump

“You go after your political opponents, maybe even their families. Then you go after anyone who’s against you, even the press, and, you know, you begin to just attack everyone to build yourself up. And it’s classic behavior by a demagogue. We’ve seen it many, many places and times in the world and that’s why I think it’s so dangerous.”

Trump, who mercilessly went after his GOP primary opponents, is readying a slew of personal attacks against Clinton, he said Tuesday night.

“I really don’t pay a lot of attention to his efforts to attack me personally,” Clinton said. “I don’t intend to respond to them because this is his, this is his modus operandi. I don’t think it’s what most voters care about. I don’t think it’s what this general election will be about.”

Clinton said she also intends to make her policy differences with Trump central to her campaign, highlighting Trump’s vague and muddled statements, she told The Wall Street Journal. She said she would deliver an economic address to make the case that Trump’s economic views are “seriously incoherent.”
yeah, it totally wasn't when he compared health insurance reform to slavery.

and totally not his prediction that obama will declare martial law in advance of the 2016 election.

or totally not the fact that he tried to kill his best friend and his own mom over trivial little nothings.

ben carson is an idiotic inner city detroit thug.
and brain surgeon lol, cleverest idiot I know u racist black hating fuktard lol