himalayan blue diesel yellow patches on leaves

this is my 34 day from germination himalayan blue diesel. she was pollinated by a male hbd about a week ago. the calyxes are huge and upon removing one i was rewarded with a very healthy full sized but green seed.

media is 1:1 coco:perlite
light is 400w hps at night and full sun all day.
i water once a day, until the reservoir begins to overfill.
every other day it gets straight tap water
the other days it gets 1 tsp per gallon maxigro, a pinch of epsom salt, a drop of superthrive and a tsp or 3 of molasses.

i thought it was a mag deficiency hence the epsom salt.

i thought it was nitrogen burn but a few days of flush didnt make much difference.

my guess is currently a zinc deficiency but i dont want to act on it.

any and all help is greatly appreciated. i can take better pics if necessary. all my other plants, photo and autoflower are under identical conditions with no problems




Legal Moderator, Esq.
What's the PH? It's either that or P deficiency or possible burn if your tap water has chlorine in it. Also don't water it every day, try every 3 days, you're gonna end up with short roots or worse, root rot

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I have been growing in coco now for four years. And still can not understand why anyone would add perlite to Coco. Most people that add perlite to coco also do other things that are ment for Soil like Epsom salt and manure and crap like that. If you want to put these types of things in your medium, I highly suggest you change over to soil. Are you also feeding at 6.5 PH like soil as well? Molasses in Coco is also another NO-NO. Coco has millions of tiny micro pores. Manure, Molasses and also SALTS fill these pores sending the PH within the coco all out of wack. This is why you should always allow 15-25% run off. Most likely your Coco is out of wack which has locked out some of your nutrients. Coco works best when you add nothing to it.

How much Coco are you useing for each plant? I grow 6 foot plants in 2 gallon grow bags. Coco is also reuseable up to 4-5 times. Just soak it in a double strong batch of some Zyme, like Cannazyme or what ever brand floats your boat.

So what PH do you water and feed at? How much run off do you allow to flow at the bottom?

Also what kind of system are you running? You talked about watering until the rez over flows. Most people run a drip system with drain to waste. You can recirculate the nutrient mix if you place your pump inside a filter sock.