Hippies or Yuppies?

I coose typos.
that wasnt a typo
hippies, so long as they leave all of the patchouli where ever they came from.. can't stand that stuff..

years ago, i used to work at tower records, and our manager would get in his hippy mood and smoother himself in that crap, and it'd waft around the store for days after..
hippies, so long as they leave all of the patchouli where ever they came from.. can't stand that stuff..

years ago, i used to work at tower records, and our manager would get in his hippy mood and smoother himself in that crap, and it'd waft around the store for days after..
I knew of a toy store where the owner similarly doused them self in it. The only time I ever walked in, I immediately turned and left - and it was a small place too so I figured that she must have known why. You know, you get that look on your face like...

It was right in my neighborhood so I was often nearby. You could see it happen every day. People would go in and about 30% of the time they would leave within five seconds with the same look. Somebody bought our boy a toy there for our baby shower and we knew exactly where it came from because it stank like finshaggy. So I went to take it back - but (shock) they were out of business.
1)There is a gated community in my town, it butts up against my property. The tried to get everyone in town to pay for their road maintenance, even got the county involved. 2) They petitioned the county to change the name of our town(been the same name since 1876, so there had to be a special election which all county taxpayers paid for just to go down in resounding defeat. 3) There is a general store next to the post office so its a common parking lot. The GS fires up a huge BBQ pit everyday and does tri-tips for sandwiches and for folks to grab a quick pre-made dinner or lunch. The yuppies have to go to the same post office as we commoners and they complain about the BBQ. Just goes on and on
1)There is a gated community in my town, it butts up against my property. The tried to get everyone in town to pay for their road maintenance, even got the county involved. 2) They petitioned the county to change the name of our town(been the same name since 1876, so there had to be a special election which all county taxpayers paid for just to go down in resounding defeat. 3) There is a general store next to the post office so its a common parking lot. The GS fires up a huge BBQ pit everyday and does tri-tips for sandwiches and for folks to grab a quick pre-made dinner or lunch. The yuppies have to go to the same post office as we commoners and they complain about the BBQ. Just goes on and on
what a nightmare!

Our one street river town is turning from hidden, gem, best kept secret, cool ppl (I include myself in that #, I've earned it after 25 years) to

Prius driving
yoga pants wearing, (no camel toes God forbid)
fucking beard waxer, cuffed pants and earth shoe wearing,
kale from sustainable farm eating
trying to ban PB in public schools