Calm down man, you're the ONLY one that is angry... I came in this thread because it's interesting, and I saw YOU mutually bashing someone, it wasn't just you taking shit from americans.
how the fuck did a bunch of STONERS start a canada vs. us war? i mean really. doc, you knew what would happen when you made your jokes regardless of how humorous they were. devildog, get a fuckin grip man. that was not a very stony reaction to what was obviously a joke at the beginning of the thread, and then you got all serious with the american bashing. look at what this thread turned into. a pissing match about our militaries?? are we serious? this is a fucking pot growing forum.
I came in here because it looked interesting! I have always discussed moving to BC with my best friend, yet I had no vaid reason? this is a public fucking forum, if YOU can't handle what others are posting then this place isn't for you, anyone who's been around will tell you that...
If you stop arguing the arguing will stop... if you know what I mean...
Pfft, okay. It's obvious to everyone now what kind of person you are, I won't feed you anymore, have fun talking shit to anyone else that comes in here.
I might not have answered the OP, but you ruined this thread, take it easy.