

Well-Known Member
spammer!? hipster hitler is so relevant to the topic.

And I agree, he has been completely on topic, and not at all annoying unless you were here, which I wasn't (sorry those that were) but at least it's got a big funny, descriptive section on hipsters now, thanks Ganjames.


Pickle Queen
Was I being referred to as either spammer or troll? Because the thread those mods thought was spam, some of those mods actually ended up joining. I'm not a spammer and they found that out. And now they are making money from Google.
I am a mod, and yes opening multiple threads with no topic point when ur main goal is to get people to push ur link is called spamming.

Creating the same thread in multiple sections is also called spamming.


Active Member
I made this thread after a certain instance with a particularly ridiculous individual.
Then why not air just his bullshit out there??? So are you stating that you DONT hate all hipsters?? Or are you saying people misunderstood you, and you hate just that hipster??? Just want to know what youre talking about here....


Well-Known Member
I loved this show, and the song is so deep especially when you're high... and this has no relevance to the topic, you think I care?



Well-Known Member
I am a mod, and yes opening multiple threads with no topic point when ur main goal is to get people to push ur link is called spamming.

Creating the same thread in multiple sections is also called spamming.

I have spoken with one of the or the HS mod. And they cleared me, a thread of mine was flagged, and I was reported for posted. But we talked about it, and my link was spamming 99% less than anyone with something in their signature. But I put it in my sig for the higher ups, he already spoke to someone for me. And the main thread of mine that he said was marked as spam was talked about, and I'm not considered a spammer, and mods are getting involved in it themselves now that it is known to not be spam. https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/465937-get-paycheck-google-every-month.html

And I personally felt every thread I made had a topic or point. Sorry if you felt they were pointless, you misunderstood my point of view.

And I only post in multiple threads to see which relevant place the conversation will pick up. Like the alien thing I only posted in one place, because it was only relevant to one place.


Well-Known Member
Then why not air just his bullshit out there??? So are you stating that you DONT hate all hipsters?? Or are you saying people misunderstood you, and you hate just that hipster??? Just want to know what youre talking about here....

I hate hipsters in situations like this every time. I explained that in a later post. It's about a certain thing needing to be toned down. And not all hipsters do it, but a true blue x-Nerd/Asshole Hipster, WILL.


Well-Known Member
Read earlier posts. I described them a little and Hipster Hitler should give you a basic idea of hipster philosophy.


Active Member
MON yuh are totally right in everyway! i dont judge cuz they is no time to love....and all they do is judge if ur not listen to wat is hip nowa days or if yuh dnt wear all that brand made shit... and so on and so on..........................
much love to all of yuh who understand life is more than trying to have the best looking car or looking smart phone(which i cant stand) or what clothes yuh wear....sry but yuh know ur mom and dad pays for everthing


Well-Known Member
MON yuh are totally right in everyway! i dont judge cuz they is no time to love....and all they do is judge if ur not listen to wat is hip nowa days or if yuh dnt wear all that brand made shit... and so on and so on..........................
much love to all of yuh who understand life is more than trying to have the best looking car or looking smart phone(which i cant stand) or what clothes yuh wear....sry but yuh know ur mom and dad pays for everthing
Exactly. If you've got your nose in the air all day, you can never stop and see what these things around you really are. You just stand in unrightful judgment of them otherwise.


Active Member
i see where ur coming from and i always give raspect to everyone bout once yuh lose raspect for me or any of my loved ones which is the world...i just gotta turn my head and let em be. they are what makes this whole world run off money is everything... and i need money when yuh dont. and i am not going to get into what i my beliefs are just puting a 1cent of what i thought. and just so we overstand eachother there is no judging going on here just reasoning


Active Member
hipsters think they are underground or something, when the biggest fad out now is hipsters, fucking goofs


Well-Known Member
Bleh. Hipsters are even in Mexico.
The political party called "Nuevo Allancia" (or however you say alliance in Spanish)