History Channel "that's impossible" being invisible


Well-Known Member
If the light didnt hit you, wouldnt you just look like a shadow? Just a silhouette?

I dont think not having light hit you would make every part of you 100% CLEAR/Transparent... because something STILL exists in that spot...
Lol. The eye reacts to different light spectrums reflecting off shit.

If there is no light reflecting off you, people can't see you.


Well-Known Member
If there is no light reflecting off you, people can't see you.[/QUOTE]


so i still wanna hear some answers,
wat wud u do and were wud u go if u cud be invisible for 1 day.:blsmoke:


stays relevant.
Okay... but if there is no light reflecting off of you, what makes it possible to SEE what's behind you? Being that matter IS blocking the visual path of light, whether the matter itself is being lit up or not.


Active Member
Watch the shit man, it explains it all. I'm not gonna go through the whole science behind it. But it's possible. I downloaded it off of torrentz.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
do things you touch become invisible?

if so i think i'd just follow the bank manager around all day until he pops into the safe, or a jewelery store. :D

as people say, tough question, if it's a one off, then you've either got to better your life, or do something that you'd never be able to do again..


Well-Known Member
HAH i just watchd that yesterday cant wait for the next episode on the 14. !

Pretty awsome show, i allready knew bout this stuff.. like in japan theres a suite that makes you invisible with over 1 mill cameras and reflectors.. pretty neat !


Active Member
Yea, I had seen that awhile back too. But the ship story was pretty crazy. Kinda hard to believe when he starts talking about the green haze.


Active Member
If no one could see me for a day (invisible) I would be in banks. ALL DAY bank after bank after bank! And on top off that the only thing I would be wearing is shoe's NAKED all f*cking day!
The Naked bank robbing super villain!


Active Member
Until your dick gets caught on something. Then you'll be the naked guy with an injured penis that cant get help cause your invisible.