hiw old should your kids before its ok to smoke bud


Well-Known Member
Found sum nug thought it was mine
Apon further inspectipn realized it wasnt mine .
asked him he claimed it.had a lil sit down had a good talk ended up giving him back his bud.

Lil bastard bud looked pretty nice
Looks like the apple didnt fall to far ....


Well-Known Member
Too late bud, he's already smoking, there's not much you can tell him now to change his mind. I wouldn't worry about it but you could choose not to smoke with him so that you don't encourage it. It's up to you, I'm not saying either way is right.


Well-Known Member
ya I'm not about to smoke with him.
I don't think it's time for that.he has plenty of friends to do that with
I'm his father you know
Not smashing anyone that smokes with they're kids to each his own


Staff member
my mom and i smoke now....but im an adult now
as for teenagers and smoking/drinking their gunna have an experience with it by like 16 min. usually 10th grade
all you can do if you find out she or he is smoking is lay down some ground rules

no selling
dont get into a car wiht anyone whos been drinking /smoking doing other drugs at the parties

ya know regular safety concerns for your child, last thing you need is for them to go to jail or get into a car accident.
the majority of teens or at least when i was one, we would get high at lunch at school after school walk around town get high, have a bite to eat have some laughs walk around outside

But also have the dont try any other drugs, its very very very easy to find something else when their dealer offers it to them.
I used to do many drugs in my day and im not saying your kids will, im just saying tell them to seriously only stick to weed.
those dealers, usually kids near our age drop outs would try and sell us E, coke, crack anything and i lvie in a little small canadian town, nothing huge.
so just have that kinda talk, no matter what his friends think they wanna do their not your kids so whatever, but if he /she does get into a situation its okay to say nah man ill stick to pot.
Ive never had any friends peer pressure me into doing other drugs, i chose them myself, but once i got out of them, i would simply say no thanks dont wanna roll tnt gunna just smoke pot and have a beer with yas
and the subject would drop

those drugs the amount i did seriously did some extreme damage to myself , and my body and mental when i was younger and took me along fucking time to get back to normal.


Well-Known Member
I know a thing or two about drug problems and dont even put cannabis in the same category as drugs
Ive personaly been on methadone for the last few years and have fought a battle with opiates for the last fifteen years I just hope he dosent go down the same path


Staff member
I know a thing or two about drug problems and dont even put cannabis in the same category as drugs
Ive personaly been on methadone for the last few years and have fought a battle with opiates for the last fifteen years I just hope he dosent go down the same path
yeah wasnt saying cannabis is in the same category was just saying its very easyfor dealers to pawn that shit off while making the weed sale


Well-Known Member
Dude I started around 13

The people I looked up to ened smoking

And I smoked just cuz I chould not curiosity or peer pressure I just thought

Why the hell not

I never thought lees of the people who smoke ether

Ever since I started ive been rolling and packing with my family

If you make it a

Top secret no no cigarette then your girls will be like

Whats the big deal and stsrt that way

And if they do then make them smoke ONLY in the house


Well-Known Member
my dad knew i smoked.. but still couldnt smoke in front of him til i was doing my own thing.. moved out and stuff.. i just couldnt deal and if i was doing bad in school or not working he'd get super pissed if i was sitting around smoking doing nothing. but at 16 it was cool.. just not in front of him lol


Well-Known Member
Why should I deprive the fruit of my loins of the fruit of the earth? Who am I to forbid the consumption of high grade cannabis? No, that shall not be.


Well-Known Member
No im totally cool with hims smoking bud
But his grades have slipped and I feel he puts way to much energy into getting weed
Uf his school work was in check chores done and he was home at a reasonable hour most of the time
It wouldnt b a thing but I feel like if he cant pump.his brakes im going to
That to me is being a goodparent
Knowing the balance


Well-Known Member
Forget weed, Kemo, make sure he knows how to protect the rest of his life.

Ya were pretty tight.
As soon as he told me bout him gettin down with his gf I ran out and bought the biggest box of rubbers ..proud daddy moment