HLG-550 vs PLC-6

How is Photon Flinger not getting banned for starting this defamatory nonsense over and over?
Paid advertiser on a sock account. pretty obvious. You would of seen it last night if you would have seen who's not posting and who is at what times. Fucking weird shit man. I honestly cant believe that other person got involved and started shit. I mean its fun to fuck around and troll a little but that shit was crazy jealous all over the place.
Paid advertiser on a sock account. pretty obvious. You would of seen it last night if you would have seen who's not posting and who is at what times. Fucking weird shit man. I honestly cant believe that other person got involved and started shit. I mean its fun to fuck around and troll a little but that shit was crazy jealous all over the place.
Have you like ttystikk been raided and compromised and had your credibility shot?
Why is it that people always have to ruin these threads it was a simple topic PLcC or HLG
Then people have to come in and spew hateful personal shit . Personally I have learned a lot from watching greengenes707 videos. I personally think greegenes707,robincnn,stephenj37826 have done so much for this community and brought leds into a real replacement for hids to have bunch of trolls talk a bunch of shit personally I think they deserve more respect than that. ALL THE HATERS NEED TO STOP HATING REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE IF YOU CANT SAY SOMETHING NICE KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUTTTTT
Why is it that people always have to ruin these threads it was a simple topic PLcC or HLG
Then people have to come in and spew hateful personal shit . Personally I have learned a lot from watching greengenes707 videos. I personally think greegenes707,robincnn,stephenj37826 have done so much for this community and brought leds into a real replacement for hids to have bunch of trolls talk a bunch of shit personally I think they deserve more respect than that. ALL THE HATERS NEED TO STOP HATING REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE IF YOU CANT SAY SOMETHING NICE KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUTTTTT
Take from it what you will, but I have had the same accusations laid against me with no proof by @robincnn...GG was always a member 1st before a business, the others not so much.....and I could care less about either company. Hope they both prosper or whatever.
just caught up on this thread. sad what this place has become.

GG is by no means my homie but let him fucking run his business. the single weak-ass (and dated) example of "wrongdoing" is the guy experiencing growing pains and taking steps to address them. no shame in that. Photon flinger not sure what your problem is with GG (weve seen this exact same thing before who knows if its the same user or not i dont even care to speculate)

GG stop letting these fools troll you i know you want to defend your business but they are just baiting you into looking bad (again)

shit like this is bad for everyone on the site. advertisers, users, contributors, new users, everybody. just degrades the forum and the value of everybody whos worked so hard to make it a good source of information

again its no secret that GG has not hidden his disdain for me (a lot). But i could give a shit less about personalities.The guy tries new stuff, the guy shares his info, he doesnt post bullshit and goes out of his way to call out bullshit when he sees it (often at the expense of public perception). I could get all over his shit and pick about the the way he comes off on the forums on a personal level. but i dont. because of a thing called R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Not just for the body of work he has presented here over the years, or the respect i have for fellow business owners in all industries, but more importantly this other thing you guys may or may not have heard of...its called common courtesy. Grow up people.

This thread could have been done after post #4 when both vendors came in and tactfully presented the features of their products. Thats how you know vendors are legit. they use actual metrics and straight talk not gross exaggerations and buzzwords like "fire buds, massive yields, replaces 4X the wattage in HPS", etc etc. facts is facts and talk shit on GG but facts are basically his religion so theres that (HLG too but theyre not getting nailed to the cross here)
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I have no horse in this game.
i really apricieit both companies for bringing diy led game in the commercial field.
im around sinc cxa's where the shit,and wold really like to thank all the pioneer in this field:GG,SUPRA,SDS,ROBIN AND STEAV,GROWMOU5,ALESH,ABIQA,and all the others i forgot to mention along the way,my apologies .
All this bad energy is not productive for DIY,this used to be aDIY place where people shared information and used to help each other.
I have no horse in this game.
i really apricieit both companies for bringing diy led game in the commercial field.
im around sinc cxa's where the shit,and wold really like to thank all the pioneer in this field:GG,SUPRA,SDS,ROBIN AND STEAV,GROWMOU5,ALESH,ABIQA,and all the others i forgot to mention along the way,my apologies .
All this bad energy is not productive for DIY,this used to be aDIY place where people shared information and used to help each other.

Word! I also have no pony in the park but I would like to support those that have gotten me to this point. If it wasn't for the likes of GG, Supra, Robin, Growmou5, Cobkits, the list goes on, I would still be throwing fountains of money to my local energy corporations for my hps/mh setups. However, It's pissing matches like this one that have kept me from wanting to connect to this community for YEARS! This is bad for anyone in this community. I want to gain knowledge, share information and exp without the rhetorical flamming of RIU trolls. Let people be people! If you have a bone to pick with another human, do it in the privacy of the parties involved, not the world wide web. That is just plain human decency and a show of intelligence and is respected.
i own 1 cx300 & 1 of the first 300 cree cxp 250's & 4 of the newer cree cxp 250's in both spectrums, @Greengenes707 & company have been pretty much open with everything involved with my purchase, even when i tried to order another cxp 250 expecting 3590's as the cobs used, i was told beforehand & refunded my money instantly as i did not want the new veros that were being used. joe has always been on point & delt with my indecisiveness & cancelled orders, never complaining about the headaches i am sure i have caused going back & forth about my purchases. only complaint i have about @Greengenes707 is my missing stickers from 2 years ago & t shirt...
Where do you led growers/builders see these (cobs and boards) going in the next 3 years? Even more efficient? That HLG 550 sounds right up my alley. For less than a grand Iam down. Slowly phase out my HID lamps.