Special Kdog

Well-Known Member
So I bought I HLG LED light under the assumption it was the best bang for the buck. I didn't use a heat sink thinking it would not need one by mulitole posts I have read. I am now having heat issues in my 4x4. The last grow I did I thought it might have been the strain. But I bought another one. I'm having even more heat issues. I have 4 plants and I'm beginning to question whether I made the right decision. My VIPAR 600 runs the same amount of electricity but it produces way less heat.
I feel like I was misled a quite a bit. Would a heat sink have helped much? I don't have the ability to duct outside because of stealth issues. My driver is now gorilla glued to the LED. What should I do. I'm about ready to buy a portable AC but the one I prolly need is 400 bucks. I feel like a bettering resolution would be to dump the 2 HLGs for a couple more ViPARs.

I'm getting 80-82 degree temps. This is unacceptable during flower. Suggestions welcomed


Well-Known Member
So I bought I HLG LED light under the assumption it was the best bang for the buck. I didn't use a heat sink thinking it would not need one by mulitole posts I have read. I am now having heat issues in my 4x4. The last grow I did I thought it might have been the strain. But I bought another one. I'm having even more heat issues. I have 4 plants and I'm beginning to question whether I made the right decision. My VIPAR 600 runs the same amount of electricity but it produces way less heat.
I feel like I was misled a quite a bit. Would a heat sink have helped much? I don't have the ability to duct outside because of stealth issues. My driver is now gorilla glued to the LED. What should I do. I'm about ready to buy a portable AC but the one I prolly need is 400 bucks. I feel like a bettering resolution would be to dump the 2 HLGs for a couple more ViPARs.

I'm getting 80-82 degree temps. This is unacceptable during flower. Suggestions welcomed
Mine is flowering just fine in those temps


Well-Known Member
Those are pretty good temps for LED. What HLG board did you get without a heatsink? Having the driver on the board will give you higher than normal temps as well, my HLG 288s have heat sinks and I dont have the drivers on the sinks for that reason.

Special Kdog

Well-Known Member
I think I will be fine I just don't want larfy buds. Just kinda disappointed cause I almost bought 3 more lights to rock 4 in my tent. Glad I did t because most likely my temps would be 85+ even if my central unit temp was at 70. I had the flap wide open today and still was getting 80 degrees. I ain't trying to have a 700 dollar electric bill which would triple or quadruple my last summer bill when I was running blurple LEDs and still pulling 3-4 ounces off each plant.


Well-Known Member
Temps in the mid 80's are perfect for led grows.
What model HLG fixture are you using?
If you're using genuine products it will produce almost twice the amount of light or each watt of power compared to the Vipar.


Well-Known Member
"vipar 600" is a 260 watt light. not sure, but that might be causing some of your confusion.

low 80s is great temps.

which hlg lights did you buy?


Well-Known Member
So I bought I HLG LED light under the assumption it was the best bang for the buck. I didn't use a heat sink thinking it would not need one by mulitole posts I have read. I am now having heat issues in my 4x4. The last grow I did I thought it might have been the strain. But I bought another one. I'm having even more heat issues. I have 4 plants and I'm beginning to question whether I made the right decision. My VIPAR 600 runs the same amount of electricity but it produces way less heat.
I feel like I was misled a quite a bit. Would a heat sink have helped much? I don't have the ability to duct outside because of stealth issues. My driver is now gorilla glued to the LED. What should I do. I'm about ready to buy a portable AC but the one I prolly need is 400 bucks. I feel like a bettering resolution would be to dump the 2 HLGs for a couple more ViPARs.

I'm getting 80-82 degree temps. This is unacceptable during flower. Suggestions welcomed

Mate the HLG is far more efficint than the vipar. Meaning you need less watts than you would with the vipar.
But you still need 480-560w in a 4x4 to light it up properly if you plan on filling the space.

A heat sink will make no difference what so ever, all it does is disipate the heat away from the board quicker and puts that heat into your environment.
Your judging the board on the fact it is hot, which it will be without a heatsink. The vipar has fans, it might not feel as hot to the touch but its still pumping heat out into your room.

You can either ventilate your grow properly like everyone else has to or spend money on AC, but do your research on them and pick the right one for your situation if your going to do that.

For what its worth i get about 3 degree temp rise with a 260w HLG kit using minimal ventialion , but my heat goes outside.

80-85f is a good range to be.
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Special Kdog

Well-Known Member
Okay thanks! I'm in that range. I have 400 watts in the space. All in good time just need to be a little patient. I will be purchasing a home hopefully soon and I can do whatever the hell upgrades I want to it. Now that will be fun. Cheers.


I have HLG 288s and I ran into temp issues as well and I just got it all figured out. I bought a cool mist humidifier from Walmart about 20$ and I only have to fill it once every couple of days. It keeps my temps down in the tent to about 79 being the coolest and 88 being high. The increased humidity helps with higher temps, you should look into VPD cause that ended up being my issue. I thought it was the strain, lights, tent and I was chasing a problem that wasn’t that big to begin with. The pic with the smaller plant is from one week ago when the problems started and the 2nd pic is from today. She took off growing once I corrected that issue



Active Member
I have two lights similar to HLG 288(same qbs, just not from HLG) and I have no problems with heat. I also have Viparspectra (3x600W and 1x1200). I can say for sure Viparspectra lights produce way more heat than QBs.

I have a heatsink though on each but as explained above they do not remove heat from a growing space, they just spread between LED boards and a heatsink.

BTW my plants growing super well under them.