Hmm cant put my finger on this problem


Well-Known Member
maybe try taking a sample of the water that runs out of the bottom of the pot during watering... check the ph of that sample


Well-Known Member
im a hydro guy
I have limit soil experience
so you might verify with someone who grows in soil as to what range of PH is ideal for N uptake.. but from what ive read I don't think theres any reason you would have that excessive amount of N def at a ph of 7.0 ... I think that's good for soil

how many days into flower is it????


Well-Known Member
im not familiar with your brand of nute mixing ... does it have a changing formula that reduces N later into flower... or are you feeding the same nutrient profile from start to finish ?

btw...don't be bummed out the yellowing doesn't look to reduced your yield, looks like tastey smoke

she might just be an early early girl and well leached
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Well-Known Member
Yeah the n seems to be a bit less in the bloom nuts compard to the veg nuets . question giving your plants 3 days of darkness before harvest does that actually do something or is it a myth


Well-Known Member
whatever it may or may not do its not worth the risk of mold

personally I noticed no difference and I do not practice it... I do cut my lights on time down to 10 or even as little as 8 hours on... but mostly because it saves me on electricity and I don't feel like the plant has any more production left to give in the last week or 2


Well-Known Member
is that potting soil or a hot mix?

have you fed any nutes? if so
was it healthy looking prior to feeding nutes

give me the 3 numbers for npk or each bottle of nutes that your using

tell me how many mls your adding of each per gallon when mixing solution

also give me the magnesium and calcium % amount off each bottle...and iron


Well-Known Member
Sitting in pro mix potting 6.8
Just ph balanced water so far. Soil nuts are 30.10.10 the store didnt have pro mix hp soiless :(


Well-Known Member
All good man im at a loss its just my purple kushs doing this all the other plants are green and healthy in the same medium to start. This is thr second pk i planted and both did the same thing