Hmm. Shrooms Caps??


Well-Known Member
I recieved some shrooms today, and they were unlike shrooms I have gotten in the past. I've always gotten dried Cubensis stems, and the occational cap. But this time I got all dried caps, and they dont look like Cubensis. Tell me what you think, gotta make sure before I throw them in my stomach x.x


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the reason why you received mostly stems in the past is because someone who gave them to you knows that most active compounds resides in the cap (not by much but still, source Paul Stamets) so they kept the good stuff for themselves...
anyway ...
those does not look like cubes to me (cubes have purple/dark gill under the cap)
unless they have been dried to the point the gill just crumbled away.
those also have very strange looking tops ... may be some active shroom i never seen before - but i wouldn't risk it.
grow your own mate - and stay safe
the reason why you received mostly stems in the past is because someone who gave them to you knows that most active compounds resides in the cap (not by much but still, source Paul Stamets) so they kept the good stuff for themselves...
anyway ...
those does not look like cubes to me (cubes have purple/dark gill under the cap)
unless they have been dried to the point the gill just crumbled away.
those also have very strange looking tops ... may be some active shroom i never seen before - but i wouldn't risk it.
grow your own mate - and stay safe

i've never seen psychadelic mushrooms that look like that.

straight up looks like someone picked some shrrooms out of their lawn and dried them and sold them to u.

i could be completely wrong but ive never seen gooms that look like that.
If he's trust worthy, and grows them... then their probably legit, there are all kinds of mutant strains with red and white gills, even rust colored spores. then theirs non cube species out there that have all kinds of strange features like fuzzy purple caps.. but i'd only eat wierd shrooms if i really can trust the person.
Would the caps not smell as intensly as stems? I know the stems have a very strong flouratious smell, but these caps sure dont. It flouratious, but not strong at all.
Looks like baked Amanita Muscaria to me... If you look at the caps you can kind of see where the little white dots on it used to be. Psilocybe Cubensis bruise blue if I'm not mistaken so there should be some kind of purple/bluish hues on it if that is indeed what it is.
Looks like baked Amanita Muscaria to me... If you look at the caps you can kind of see where the little white dots on it used to be. Psilocybe Cubensis bruise blue if I'm not mistaken so there should be some kind of purple/bluish hues on it if that is indeed what it is.

The same thing crossed my mind, but if i remember correctly Muscaria is way larger, and smells distinctly of wet vagina. These are kinda small and smell slightly flouratious.
Those look like Shitake mushroom caps to me bro. They do remind me of something wild - in the old days, mushrooms were very highly prized and lsd was everywhere. We got some shitake mushrooms that had been treated with dilute liquid acid and most of us didn't know the difference. We also got canned mushrooms pieces with acid in them, I didn't know what the real thing looked like and it seemed oh so wonderful that someone had grown their own and actually managed to get them in 16 oz cans to distribute. Of course the night we poured some of the liquid off of them in a black lit room sort of demonstrated how wrong we were - as the liquid glowed quite readily a flourescent blue/green in the dark. And no, they are not muscaria, muscaria caps are more red or redish brown, have more distinct tufts and are far thicker.
actually - those may be muscarias - just very very dry.
muscarias have white gills and spots on top - just like yours.
if they are - you need to consider few things...
you will trip on muscaria - altough trip is a lot different to cubes, i personally don't like it and sometimes trip can be heavy and frightening (i enjoy frightening trips on cubes - muscaria is a different story)
some damage will be done to your liver and god knows what else - cubes are a very safe option - muscaria (this is proven) damages few cells in your body - probably you won't even notice any damage after few trips - but the fact you don't notice it does not mean you are 100% ok
and make yourself ready for quite bad comedown after muscaria trip. Cubes just wear down and i normally feel a lot better after cubes than before i taken them - again it is a completely different story after muscaria. you will have quite bad "hangover" which can last a day or two
Muscarias were what i was thinking, and although Ive never tried them, ive seen them many a time. When ive seen them they were way bigger, bigger than my hand, almost orange, and had a more distinct smell. But my assumption is that is is Muscaria. I really have no interest in trying them though..Im so gonna start growing my own now -.-
WTF? looks like typical cyans, eat them, if you shit yourself to death they where bad shrooms, if you have a good talkative trip they are cyans.
Muscarias were what i was thinking, and although Ive never tried them, ive seen them many a time. When ive seen them they were way bigger, bigger than my hand, almost orange, and had a more distinct smell. But my assumption is that is is Muscaria. I really have no interest in trying them though..Im so gonna start growing my own now -.-

only the most ignorant fool will dry amanita muscaria and eat it. fly agaric requires special treatment, cause it is very poisonous, research the vikings, they drank it.
only the most ignorant fool will dry amanita muscaria and eat it. fly agaric requires special treatment, cause it is very poisonous, research the vikings, they drank it.

The "special treatment" required is the decarboxylation process of ibotenic acid to muscimol... which requires heat which in turn leads to a dry cap :neutral:
the reason why you received mostly stems in the past is because someone who gave them to you knows that most active compounds resides in the cap (not by much but still, source Paul Stamets) so they kept the good stuff for themselves...
anyway ...
those does not look like cubes to me (cubes have purple/dark gill under the cap)
unless they have been dried to the point the gill just crumbled away.
those also have very strange looking tops ... may be some active shroom i never seen before - but i wouldn't risk it.
grow your own mate - and stay safe

and is also cheaper, you can get the spores and pretty mutch anything you need online...this so far is the best video that explains how to grow from beginers to more advance just know that if anyone ask what they are for just say for research...yes spores are legal in the us with the exeption of one stat i think is california but jut google
Im just gonna try half a gram and not smoke or anything. If its poisenous, ill should barely be sick, if its fly aragic (sp?) nothing will happen, and if its a magic mush I should feel a little something..