Hmm. What now?


Well-Known Member
I have this cute little Lemon Skunk out back, and it appears to be an early bloomer. I've never seen one bust out flowering this early, where all my others only showing preflower. Question being- will it finish early, at the end of it's 8+ week flowering period, or will the photoperiod dictate how long it will go?
Without sounding like a smartass, she will be done when she is done. Not all plants ( even from the same strain ) finish simultaneously. Looks good though !
yeah green is right all strains have different flowering times if you look them up some will be 6 weeks some 8 to 10 so just gotta play it by eye watch the trichs when 75% turns amber in color is a good time to harvest
Thanks, guys. That's what I figured. Outdoors, it's should go 8-10 wks, and after doing the math puts it mid Oct, which would sound about right. I've not grown this strain before, and wasn't expecting it to bloom so far in front of the others. Learn something new everyday!