Hmmm. Your thoughts?

didn't republicans in wisconsin and north carolina strip the governor of all powers through the legislature after they lost the seat through the popular vote?

didn't this happen in wisconsin after democrats got 54% of the vote, but republican gerrymanders only let them have 36% of the seats?

didn't all of this happen in those two states despite republican voter ID laws that were designed to target and disenfranchise minority voters "with surgical precision"?

didn;t illegitimate donny get into power with LESS votes too?

It's the new standard: Less is more.
The Democrats will have no meat left after the leftist crowd of goons (parasites really) rip down the party and suck K street dry of $$$ before 2019 is over. Zero real policy, only ways to capture power without earning it by stealing elections nationwide with shit like Rank Choice Voting, tearing apart the Constitution in terms of the Electoral college and pushing lackadaisical voter ID laws that ask for fraud (In Dems favor of course).
By this time next year, we'll be in the throes of a recession caused by Trump's policies. I'm not concerned that Trump will win, only that his fascists will become violent in their anti-democratic fury.

I'm not much in favor of ranked choice voting, btw. I am in favor of making the president of the United States the President of the United States instead of the President of mostly small states with an outsized vote for President.

Speaking of no policy, what the fuck is that wall supposed to accomplish? Your spendthrift president wants to waste $60 billion dollars. Surely you can agree that the money would be better spent elsewhere.
I told you guys I got the email Friday collusion. Obstruction will come tho...............fuck trump :blsmoke:
It's something the republicans have taught democrats to do....."Bengazi, Birth Certificate, emails"....tit for tat
Yeah, I think it shows how strongly confirmation bias works. Doesn't matter if you are a repub or dem. We all can learn lessons.
You still have Republicans that actually believe Hillary will go to jail. Fox had many convinced Hillary was going down and CNN/MSNBC had many convinced Trump was going down. I really believed Trump was in some serious shit at one point. I really believe now more than ever that our main stream media is far too biased for their own good.
You still have Republicans that actually believe Hillary will go to jail. Fox had many convinced Hillary was going down and CNN/MSNBC had many convinced Trump was going down. I really believed Trump was in some serious shit at one point. I really believe now more than ever that our main stream media is far too biased for their own good.
"main stream media"?.....but not fox? your red is showing.
You still have Republicans that actually believe Hillary will go to jail. Fox had many convinced Hillary was going down and CNN/MSNBC had many convinced Trump was going down. I really believed Trump was in some serious shit at one point. I really believe now more than ever that our main stream media is far too biased for their own good.
If you think trumps legal problems are behind him you’re fucking stupid