it possible?


Well-Known Member
I've been buying my dope from a girl for the past 7 or 8 months, and it's quite good, and consistently the same. I have germed seeds from it, and got all females. Definately from a commercial grow, since it's REALLY compacted. The girl I get it from says she's grown quite a few of them and got all females. Accident? Coincedence? I dunno. Sure does seem to defy the law of averages. How does a female plant "asexually" propogate? I have heard that they can in a thread on getting feminized seed, from a supposedly reliable source. Is this true? Can a female become seeded without a male? and if so, would the resulting seeds be feminized, or prone to hermaphrodism?


Well-Known Member
ya if you would stress your fem she has a higher chance of turing hermaferdite. you can get some stuff i think its called gabblic acid i cannt remeber forshure but you just put a bit on the uper stem and its spossed to make it pop males flowers it stress it some how the herme would polinate its self it would give those seed a 90 percent chance of being fem. seeds but thay will also be more unstabe meaning thay would turn hermey easier this is what ive learned/been told


Well-Known Member
ya if you would stress your fem she has a higher chance of turing hermaferdite. you can get some stuff i think its called gabblic acid i cannt remeber forshure but you just put a bit on the uper stem and its spossed to make it pop males flowers it stress it some how the herme would polinate its self it would give those seed a 90 percent chance of being fem. seeds but thay will also be more unstabe meaning thay would turn hermey easier this is what ive learned/been told

That would be Gibberellic acid, I've seen posts where they use it to create feminized seeds. I got some once in a chemistry set zi got for christmas once. They said it was a super plant growth stimulator(?) It's not recommended to smoke the first gen, tho 'cuz it could carry over toxic shit.
I know about hermaphrodism, i am talking straight up females. Can a female asexually propogate? And if they can, would her seeds be feminized? DAMMIT, I should have paid more attention in biology!!!


Well-Known Member
i dont know if i tottle undestand but i had a plant 2 yeas ago that poped out one male flower in the middle of the stock so i picked it off before it opend and never had any more but thay can NOT make seeds with out polen


Well-Known Member
same thing happened to me i was getting this really good haze from a friend and there were always a couple seeds in it! so i collected and germed like 40seeds and most of em sprouted, and everysingle fucking one of them ended up being female it was crazy it was like happydays or something not one male!


Well-Known Member
I have heard of a pure XX female, talked about in the 'Grow Bible'.

If I remember rightly it more a case of finding the right plant. The idea would be to really REALLY stress the fem using erratic time schedules, if she doesn't hermie you have an XX chromosome female, so if you add Gillerebic Acid the seeds will be PURE FEM.

However the bible does stress that it could take thousands of plants before you find one.


Well-Known Member
Thanx. THATS what I'm talking about, and the kind of info I was lookin for. Farmer #1, my dope girl and I have had TOO many females to be coincidence. (In fact, everyone I know who has grown these seeds I'm growing now has had females.) I'd love to see that excerpt from "the Bible". Now I wonder if these "feminized" seeds/plants have a greater likely hood of hermie?
I kind of wonder about it since I stressed the hell out of mine and she didn't hermie. If ever there was gonna be a hermie, this one should be it.