Hobby Lobby Decision..

The funniest part is that RFRA is a (mostly) Democrat piece of legislation. That was back when Dems saw some profit in pandering to religious people. Now the Dems see political benefit in conducting their War on Religion. Progs have only one value system: fascist control and imposition of an iron-handed rule. It will not end well.

i like how the libertarians are going for less liberty for women here. it's a cool angle.
i like how the libertarians are going for less liberty for women here. it's a cool angle.

I fully support women's right to buy and use contraceptives of any kind. I fully support my right, and yours, to refuse to pay for such things.

Work that war on wymin angle, though. It worked for Obama. Maybe it will continue working. Some women seem convinced that "bosses should stay out of my health decisions", except that "bosses have to pay for my health decisions". It is fucking hilarious in a sad, how can people be so schizophrenic sort of way.
funny, that's the whole right wing argument in this case.

for some reason, you feel that other people's medicine is not as valid as yours.

i've never seen "libertarians" so opposed to greater liberty, save the whole keeping blacks out of stores argument.

Your idea of liberty is what you deem serves "the greater good"? What if my idea of serving the greater good is a less coercive government and parasites like you actually living by your piss poor life choices?
I fully support my right, and yours, to refuse to pay for such things.

then can i go ahead and not pay for your diabetes medication, your heart medication, your limpdick pills and the like?

i mean, i guess we all get to choose what medicine we want to pay for now, right?

that's how insurance works, isn't it? i get to choose what medicines for other people i'll take part in, right?
then can i go ahead and not pay for your diabetes medication, your heart medication, your limpdick pills and the like?

i mean, i guess we all get to choose what medicine we want to pay for now, right?

that's how insurance works, isn't it? i get to choose what medicines for other people i'll take part in, right?

Sure, don't pay.
Pre-conception = birth control

Post-conception = abortion

all hormonal birth control can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting.

so according to you, all birth control = abortion.

you sure that's the angle you want to take?
then can i go ahead and not pay for your diabetes medication, your heart medication, your limpdick pills and the like?

i mean, i guess we all get to choose what medicine we want to pay for now, right?

that's how insurance works, isn't it? i get to choose what medicines for other people i'll take part in, right?

Yeah, exactly. You pay for yours, I pay for mine. I buy my own food, you buy yours. I pay my rent, you pay yours. You buy your insurance that covers stuff you are likely to need; in your case a vaginal exam might be appropriate, me not so much. I pay my taxes, you pay yo..., well, I pay my taxes anyway.
wrong - BC dose levels do not induce abortions. Gosh.

The post-conception drugs are different and not just a major dose of the same thing.

By your logic you don't need the 4 abortion drugs, just eat 5 BC pills.
Yeah, exactly. You pay for yours, I pay for mine. I buy my own food, you buy yours. I pay my rent, you pay yours. You buy your insurance that covers stuff you are likely to need; in your case a vaginal exam might be appropriate, me not so much. I pay my taxes, you pay yo..., well, I pay my taxes anyway.

You are fucking hilarious today !!
Let's face it, women are doomed now. They are all going to just expire from the patriarchal oppression of their freedom. Bosses now decide their fate, the bosses "rosaries cover their ovaries". The US will soon be womanless, like a science fiction anti-Amazon island. We will have to import women from Europe to oppress and satisfy our base needs.

I like Irish women, so Harriken would you please pass the word on the Emerald Isle that I am coming for them. Probably multiple times.
here's a more recent one.



you know i was looking for that one..under what did you find? i typed in "GOP old fuckers".

This is what happens when the patriarchy denies women "reproductive choice". Look what happened to Chaco Canyon. Civilization died out.

Thanks Obama.


In a new study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists say that at the height of their prosperity between AD 500 and 1000, birthrates among neolithic Native Americans likely exceeded the highest birthrates on Earth today.

Neolithic birthrates then fell early in the next millennium as populations shrank and entire civilizations abruptly disappeared from northern sites like Chaco Canyon for reasons that have long confounded archaeologists.