I wonder how this would have gone down if the owners were Muslim and refused to cover medications or procedures derived from pigs.
what if the owners were Scientologist and they refused to cover antidepressants
what if they were Christian Scientists and refused to offer any health care at all.
What people don't understand is we primarily vote with our feet in business. We patronize those we feel comfortable with. We work for what makes sense to us.
If you have a Company of those affiliations and limited views, the only question is if they can be successful in keeping workers.
And the red herring is that this is about women's rights, or birth control. It was an attack on religion by the govt, that failed. You therefore make religion stronger, by definition.
And the lies about it just make that part worse.
And how many companies do you know that are successful and Scientology. besides Actors?
What Christian Science Org and their heath plans are you even familiar with?
This is the rule of Law. No more, no less. "What if," is not even relevant. We will deal with that based on reality, not your handwaving partisanship. It is a uniquely Independent Supreme Court. Love it or hate it. It doesn't matter.
Thus Spake SCOTUS.
Also, it is a far, far stretch to say investment in publicly traded pharma companies is meaningful.
It is also hypocritical of Buck to say he is not a hypocrite.
We all are. It is why we have Law.
But, you are free to spout the talking points as if you thought it up. That is Politics, not Law.