Hold your smoke or exhale, as soon as you finish hitting it? Survey.

Does holding in your smoke make the high last longer?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • no

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Does not make a difference

    Votes: 10 34.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Way back when I started smoking, after taking a hit, I would hold the smoke in my lungs as long as possible. I was wondering if that was still a thing. My buddies and I would even have a thing I called 10/30's. We would take a bong hit that took ten seconds to snap the bowl and clear the tube, then hold the smoke in for thirty seconds. As long as you dint have an attack of the hack, I felt that the high was more gradual and longer lasting. If I hack, the 'stoneyness' seemed more harder hitting but would dissipate quicker.
I took a class at Oaksterdam University, and the person that was teaching the class on ingestion, said not to hold the smoke. I thought that was just some gimmick to increase consumption. Yes, I have some conspiracy theories, but I attribute that to the paranoia I get from some strains, that I smoke. The teacher also explained that the phrase 'cough to get off' isn't true. Maybe the amount that I smoke, in order to cough, causes me to feel higher. But that doesn't explain that I lose my high quicker after coughing a bunch.
I mostly do bong hits, but from smoking joints, vapes, volcano and regular pipe hits, I still try to hold my smoke in as long as possible. I always cough doing extracts/concentrates off of a concentrate rig. I don't have a bunch of data on hitting some wax, kief, shatter, hash or rosin, and not coughing. I have been smoking since the eighties, so maybe some of you youngins can give me some feedback on wether or not holding in your smoke gives you a higher stone, or less high.
Does holding in smoke cause any harm?
Are my observations wrong?
Doesn anyone have a different perception?
Thank you for your input.
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Well-Known Member
Way back when I started smoking, after taking a hit, I would hold the smoke in my lungs as long as possible. I was wondering if that was still a thing. My buddies and I would even have a thing I called 10/30's. We would take a bong hit that took ten seconds to snap the bowl and clear the tube, then hold the smoke in for thirty seconds. As long as you dint have an attack of the hack, I felt that the high was more gradual and longer lasting. If I hack, the 'stoneyness' seemed more harder hitting but would dissipate quicker.
I took a class at Oaksterdam University, and the person that was teaching the class on ingestion, said not to hold the smoke. I thought that was just some gimmick to increase consumption. Yes, I have some conspiracy theories, but I attribute that to the paranoia I get from some strains, that I smoke. The teacher also explained that the phrase 'cough to get off' isn't true. Maybe the amount that I smoke, in order to cough, causes me to feel higher. But that doesn't explain that I lose my high quicker after coughing a bunch.
I mostly do bong hits, but from smoking joints, vapes, volcano and regular pipe hits, I still try to hold my smoke in as long as possible. I always cough doing extracts/concentrates off of a concentrate rig. I don't have a bunch of data on hitting some wax, kief, shatter, hash or rosin, and not coughing. I have been smoking since the eighties, so maybe some of you youngins can give me some feedback on wether or not holding in your smoke gives you a higher stone, or less high.
Does holding in smoke cause any harm?
Are my observations wrong?
Doesn anyone have a different perception?
Thank you for your input.
Some time back there was astudy made at UCLA. As I remember it, they said that 5 to 7 seconds was the best. After that the ratio of good stuff and bad stuff that's picked up by your lungs goes to the bad side. I think this came from Google Scholar.


Well-Known Member
Ha. Cough to get off was said around me growing up. My theory is your inhaling/exhaling over and over so some the smoke goes back through to get into blood stream.

I used to lecture whoever I smoked with to hold it because I wasnt used to the fast lane lifestyle. Gram blunts joints all day every day. When smoking a lot its like come on lol.

As for holding it in I heard the meds in smoke/vapor are active for 12 seconds so I dont hold much past that.

Holding in smoke though is bah. The point of dabs is to vape pure. Id hold weed smoke in for like 5 sec maybe, because of that.

Since switching to dabs only for a year and half I dont have issues holding in dabs and an e rig which for some like myself at first is too irritating.

Lungs are cleaner. I can hold weed smoke better when I do. With both my dormant athsma can act up to where I just cant inhale anything but its worse with weed. All those impurities.

Although might have to grow/smoke weed half the time to make money back, I just finished setting up 34 square ft of grow. Making my own dabs is a challenge will take time. Especially hash rosin.


Well-Known Member
Anyone play baseball? Group of like 5 you hit the weed and have to hold it till it gets passed all the way back to you. Im so lonely these days I need more friends.


Well-Known Member
Lmao I forgot to say someone I know came to me once and said “Ive been holding in the smoke and actually got way high.” Like really.. You werent inhaling or?? They appearently were exhaling immediately and not getting it to their lower lung.

I do. I learned a swimmers trick to push out stomach to hold more air. Just let it get in the blood stream real good. For sure get a deeper stone.


Well-Known Member
I used to play a game not even close to that, but we would have joints on opposite sides of the table and if the joints caught up to you, you had to roll then next two. Kinda like duck, duck, goose/musical chairs. The only problem was that everyone won.


Well-Known Member
My buddy that invented 10/30s, had a whole ritual. He would inhale and exhale three times, cough and exhale until he was almost blue, then take a hit. He would then hold it until he felt the smoke he exhaled would be clear.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to say when dabbing these days I do hold it but at some point have to exhale and inhale the rest so for sure the last hit long as possible. I am guilty of not holding it all the time though like every single time.


Well-Known Member
nice poll. i voted no diff, cuz i am not sure. but i don't hold nowadays. back in '91 i got popped for
sales of 1/4 oz, i sold for $70. Now you can buy eighths for $35 avg., same price, but 35 yrs
worth of inflation. back in the '60s and '70s i am damned if i remember cost, but it seemed
waaaaaaaay more costly back then. So, u held it in longer then, plus i was a kid then, lungs
like iron. So, hell, i dunno. Besides the dispo weed i've bought the past 7 years sux anyhow.
I got plenty around but ain't bother to torch one up cuz it's not worth the throat burn, so i
ain't had a toke in 3 months now. Worthless fucking dispo crap. 7 years, u'd think one phenotype'd
have stood out for us, and we'd go back for more of it. Nope, nuthin'. bah


Well-Known Member
I actually don’t inhale lungbusters. I take half lung, then I hold for 3-4 and inhale more air on top. No proof but my belief is I taking more oxygen on top of your original hit mixes in lungs and provides more oxygen which helps the excess THC to bind with the additional oxygen to be absorbed by lungs. Make sense?


Well-Known Member
Never heard of that, interesting. I like to get as much dab vapor as possible. I do take a last breath of fresh air to help push down the vapor. I vape until im squirming a few times a day. Love that. exhaling with a distrought look on my face. K. O.


Well-Known Member
i mean a lack of oxygen does create a high in itself that kick starts the rest of the day...
i used to smoke tiny long bong hits that would practically hyperventilate me.you get dizzy from that and then the weed hits.....


Well-Known Member

Anyone see this? I was looking for one but this ones for sure more. My jaw dropped when they handed him another rig lmao spoiler alert.


Active Member
My buddy that invented 10/30s, had a whole ritual. He would inhale and exhale three times, cough and exhale until he was almost blue, then take a hit. He would then hold it until he felt the smoke he exhaled would be clear.
I have to ask myself if he was actually gaining any increase in effect or absorption, or if what he felt was just entirely being oxygen deprived.


Well-Known Member
I’ve heard people say that there’s no point in holding hits, and that all the “goodness” from the hit is extracted instantly. I volunteer my anecdotal evidence, giving shotguns from the bong to my wife, keeping her stoned for a solid decade+ on “recycled” smoke. That’s enough evidence for me to still hold in my hits for as long as I can.


Well-Known Member
I have to ask myself if he was actually gaining any increase in effect or absorption, or if what he felt was just entirely being oxygen deprived.
That is what my teacher at Oaksterdam U. said. He also said that having the CO2 in your lungs that long is probably not good for you either. I have my doubts.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Ok you only need to hold it in a few seconds for more of the cannabinoids to fall out of the vapor or smoke. There are always some left though. That happens pretty quickly and doesn't require any dwell time for increased parenchymal exposure.

Holding your breath won't hurt you. Too much CO2 and you'll simply pass out. That's why I'd laugh when my toddlers would tell me they'd just hold their breath and wouldn't I be sad ....... never worked. We have a heavy CO2 drive to breath. That changes if you have COPD you're having to use your Oxygen drive to breath but you'll pass out there too and breath assuming your medulla oblongata is still working :lol: your breathing will kick back in.

Just a hesitation is all you need.


Well-Known Member
Bro science. Dose holding your breath help you absorb more O when you breath? No it dose not! Thc is absorbed into the bloodstream almost instantly once its in the lungs. Why do you feel higher when you do this? Oxygen deperation, not more thc absorbed


Well-Known Member
Take it from someone with COPD - DON'T clog your lungs with all the other garbage that's in the smoke. Take your hit and get it out of your lungs before all the crud gets caught up in your lungs. Once it's there it's there.

Take more hits it you have to, but to let all the shit that smoke continue to clog your lung isn't a good way to live to be old.

When you get older you may find yourself like me, you wonder it you will will keep breathing once you go to sleep.

Long story made short. Fork up your lungs all you want now and hope to breath later.

That's the hard, cold truth about holding it in. If you think it gets you higher and choose to do it maybe you'll be lucky and still be able to breath when you are old.

All this comes from probably the oldest person on this entire site.