Holding her up

Need to know how I can hold up my plant without hurting roots,I stress trained my plan as I never done before an it turned out great but my colas are getting way to big for this plant thinking she is using to much energy to stay up a little help please123BF953-4BE8-4559-A451-E5151C76E917.jpeg


Well-Known Member
I just use utility hooks mounted up high and shoe laces, I never seem to need them until mid flower.

Tie a loop knot at one end, wrap it around the branch of choice and run the other end of the lace back through the loop, this will prevent choking off the branch/stalk.

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Provide support as suggested above, or do nothing and it shouldn’t be a problem. She’s not using energy, sir. it’s not like she’s holding her arms up and getting tired
A bent over cola is not inferior to an upright one.
Next grow, a gentle fan to make her dance just a little as a seedling will make her strong and no support is needed
Good luck and enjoy your harvest.


Well-Known Member
Really id advise holding or staking up I seem to recall if it cant realign its main stem/ stems a plant presumes its been broken or eaten and redirects energy to ones that can


Well-Known Member
It's as simple as using a bamboo stake or anything that can be used as a stake.