holes and deformed leaves.. No bugs.. What could it be??


Active Member
maybe getting burnt from the light, i thought you might be misting them, this will somtimes cause burns but you say your not. is it possable that your getting too humid in your grow room? maybe early morning dew on the plants before the light comes on, that will also burn them. how about a fan blowing too close? i had a simular prob, fan on too high caused the leaves on a couple of my girls to dry out in spotty locations. i moved the fan and it cleared up fine.


Well-Known Member
man... My purple wreckr looking like SHit!!! All the new growth from top to bottom is growin in than turning brown and dried out.. It can't be my light I moved it.... I'm almosy ready to toss em


Well-Known Member
well this has been happening for weeks now... they are 2 weeks away in there cycle to start flowering... idk whats wrong with the yellow one, but im assuming its a deficiency.. but the other 3 look like something is eating them and i cannot figure out what the fuck is wrong!!!! conditions are great, lights are adequate, i cant see any bugs.

i have noticed they are retaining water quite well and i haven't had to water them in over a week... anyone got some advice?



Active Member
i dont think thats bugs, maybe Nitrogen Toxicity and some nute burn, i would try only watering with plain water about one time a week untill it clears up, or try a transplant on one of them into new soil being carefull not to expose the roots when doing so, clear out the soil around the root and leave enough to keep the roots covered, then set the girl into some fresh sterile soil, water one time then wait to see what she does. no nutes, nothing but water. if this helps then do the others. dont trim any leaves right away untill she gets ahold of the new soil. somtimes they dont like new soil and will show that for first week, drooping and looking like she is gonna die is normal then all of a sudden she perks right up and takes off. your problem is not bugs its nutes, possable PH fluxuation, too much water and or heat and with all that you have done to try to fix it, now the soil is dammaged so try a transplant. I think this will help.


Well-Known Member
i dont think thats bugs, maybe Nitrogen Toxicity and some nute burn, i would try only watering with plain water about one time a week untill it clears up, or try a transplant on one of them into new soil being carefull not to expose the roots when doing so, clear out the soil around the root and leave enough to keep the roots covered, then set the girl into some fresh sterile soil, water one time then wait to see what she does. no nutes, nothing but water. if this helps then do the others. dont trim any leaves right away untill she gets ahold of the new soil. somtimes they dont like new soil and will show that for first week, drooping and looking like she is gonna die is normal then all of a sudden she perks right up and takes off. your problem is not bugs its nutes, possable PH fluxuation, too much water and or heat and with all that you have done to try to fix it, now the soil is dammaged so try a transplant. I think this will help.

thanks for your help. i hope that works!


Active Member
Ya to me that definitely looks like some kinda of nute Tox. I would stop using nutes NOW. Use distilled water or R/O water if you can avoid using tap water. You may also be overwatering, you should only be watering when the top half inch or so of soil is bone dry. You can also tell by lifting up the pots and they will be super light weight. Plants don't weight jack in veg. I would also try transplanting, but when you transplant look for root bugs. I know there are bugs that ONLY live under the soil so look for dead roots, rot, mold, ANYTHING not of the norm and maybe take a pic and post it. WE MUST SAVE THEM


Well-Known Member
Ya to me that definitely looks like some kinda of nute Tox. I would stop using nutes NOW. Use distilled water or R/O water if you can avoid using tap water. You may also be overwatering, you should only be watering when the top half inch or so of soil is bone dry. You can also tell by lifting up the pots and they will be super light weight. Plants don't weight jack in veg. I would also try transplanting, but when you transplant look for root bugs. I know there are bugs that ONLY live under the soil so look for dead roots, rot, mold, ANYTHING not of the norm and maybe take a pic and post it. WE MUST SAVE THEM
thank you so much.. I'm gunna try and transplant them tonight or tomorrow.. How much distilled water should I use??


Active Member
NP =] i had overwatering problems myself and BUGS are very annoying. I had fungus gnats that lay egg on the soil and eat roots so u have to kill the flying ones and the larvae, such a pain.

How much distilled water should you use for what? I use all distilled for every water. You can buy it by the 3 gallon at a super market for like 2 bucks. I'm in 2-1/2 gallon pots and i water them a little under 2 quarts each (1/2 gallon). When I flush I use 4 gallons to flush in each 2-1/2 gallon pot, so approx double the pot size in water. For transplanting I give them a really good water but not quite a flush. Probable 1 gallon per pot after a transplant.


Active Member
the ph might be a little higher with tap and tap water has chlorine in it so fill a container and let it sit for 24 hours to evaporate the chlorine, make sure your new pots have good drainage out the bottom. try not to mess with the roots when replanting and make sure the soil is moist, not wet when replanting this will keep the soil in place around the roots.


Sad to see that happen- they are right it is not a bug prob, I have recently lost a plant in same manner myself- well it would have made it but I yoinked it cause it was attracting pests. I would upcan asap into a balanced mix, after you flush the heck out of it in existing pot with ph adjusted water. Lay off the nutes for sure, this is what caused problem at least in my case alone with a bad soil mix to start with- ph was way too low.

The other picture looks like plain old nitrogen def and maybe some overwatering recently. I would foliar feed it with a weak nute mix and let the pot dry out before feeding with reg nutes (although maybe not reg in your case, go weaker). Those leaves will never recover but you will get new growth if you want to keep the plant. I would probably just grow new shoots and close it and yank it afterwards cause those leaves will take a nice long time to totally drop and probably attract many pests and other issues in meantime as mine did.

That is my 2 cent. hope it helps- cheers j

Maximus cannabis

Active Member

Maybe you have root bugs. That would also explain why they're not drinking as much. I would pick the worst one, tear it apart from the roots up and see if you find anything living in the soil. If your root mass is damaged, small, or unhealthy, that would explain what is going on. You are treating the plant and the problem is the soil. At this point you should have a nice healthy root mass and it doesn't look like you do.


Active Member
what kind of lighting are you using? if your using an HID light and any water or nutrients that get on the leaves can cause this. not sure about t5s.


Well-Known Member
Man, I wish I had seen this thread earlier...I had the same easrly onset of problems you had with the holes and deformed leaves, you also had some nute burn already going on, that's what it is I promise, I backed off the strength (which was a little under full recommended dosage for Advanced Nutrients Products) and they are getting better. On a side note I see we have UPer's on the forum ... that'll take the fun outta anything :)


Well-Known Member
Man, I wish I had seen this thread earlier...I had the same easrly onset of problems you had with the holes and deformed leaves, you also had some nute burn already going on, that's what it is I promise, I backed off the strength (which was a little under full recommended dosage for Advanced Nutrients Products) and they are getting better. On a side note I see we have UPer's on the forum ... that'll take the fun outta anything :)

I'll try and flush them all tonight.. Seems like noone cud give me a good explanation of what is going on.. I use fox farm but was using 1/2 strength!! I already flushed them with 3 gallons each and they are still soaked!!! I'm going to transplant and try again with them


Active Member
On a side note I see we have UPer's on the forum ... that'll take the fun outta anything :)
u mean Yoopers? haha yeah it's a shit area. marquette is cool though. otherwise buncha gangster wannabe young fuck that are nothing but thieves and narcs. most cops are fucking dicks also. then we got the group called upset or upper penninsula substance enforcement team, the biggest tool of them all. the city of garden has always been known for its garden green weed though. some damn good shit, however my home grown LA Confidential blows it all out of the water.


Well-Known Member
They bound me over when I was 15 years ago and sent me to prison I had 3/4 oz they acted like I was Pablo Escobar, never contacted my parents or anything and the Michigan Supreme Court ruled it was a "harmless error" in a Miranda challenge. I was with some older kids and they blew me up as the 'ring leader' because I was half-articulate I guess. I met a few good people up there the very short time I was there I was just joshing at you, but the hostility I faced as a youth by law enforcment officials was unreal. I should've never seen 11 years in adult level 4 and 5 yards when I was 15 and 16 years old. I have been to Branch on 2 separate occasions also. Sucks. But as you can see I'm enjoying life now and growing has become a pinnacle of freedom for me. I seen your LA Confidential, looks so amazing and inspiring bro, but you do have probably one of the best scenic, beautiful parts of the country to enjoy that LA in also, plus the med laws are great.


Active Member
A great example of how not to fix problems - don't try anything/everything that it could remotely be in the off chance it might help! funny read though not to take the piss, looking for the bugs was making me lol, maybe it's this bud but I knew you didn't have any bugs lol. I think this guys original problem was just a genetic one, the weird new growth would go with that too, I have a plant right now that has a couple of new leaves with holes in, otherwise it's perfecto, I think it's from all the breeding they do. It's like when cousins marry, the offspring are more likely to suffer genetic problems..

Anyway not one to drag up old posts but I think if anyone searches this like I did maybe it'll help put someones mind at rest and it's a good read on how to give the worst advice to a noob and help him ruin his plants quicker lol. Peacage:weed: