Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!


Active Member
Hi guys

Title says it all! These weren't there yesterday, suddenly appeared today. Some kind of bug? I hope to god not spider mites. I don't have a good magnifier yet, relying on close up photos and manual inspection with an old skool magnifying glass.

I have to go away this afternoon so I'm really keen to identify the problem and take any action necessary today.

My uneducated guesses are:

-spider mite or other pest
-possible burn from being splashed with nutes when watered - but these appeared two days after being watered!
-nute burn perhaps? They are growing in coco so I've been feeding them every time. Should I give it a light flush if so?

In addition to any diagnosis you may be able to offer, please could you suggest what action I should take? TIA!

5. .jpg

6. .jpg

Here are some pics of the other affected plants:

1. .jpg

Just beginning on this one it appears:3. .jpg
the first pic looks like a good old fasion cat chomp. but the last pic shows proof of a calcium defficency. it is not a bug or burning


Active Member
No signs of pests from what I can see without a microscope.

They are indoors under 400W MH

They are being fed with Canna coco a&b 20ml in 10 litres every three days or so.

Would a calcium deficiency cause holes in leaves like that?


Active Member
sorry posts overlapped. It can cause distorted growth so I would say yes. Perhaps the holes grew as the leaf formed. The ph is good. add some calmag


Active Member
Haha yes post overlap again sorry!


NOT over fert?
NOT pests?
NOT burn from splash and light?

I am able to get some cal mag before I go. Unfortunately I have just watered and fed them. Should I water again - until runoff - with just ph water and calmag?


Active Member
Perhaps the holes grew as the leaf formed. The ph is good. add some calmag
I don't think so, these holes weren't there yesterday. I give my plants a fairly good look over each day and there was no sign of these holes then. I topped some of them 3 days ago so growth has been slow to non-existant on those - particularly the worst affected. So, the leaf that has the problem has been that size for a couple of days.
like edispilf said hit it with a splash of cal mag liquid to give it some instant relief. next time mix soil with dolomite lime you really cant use to much of it and it will give you a balanced ph plus all the cal+mag you will need. better get on top of it or you will be chasing it if it gets away from you. as of now it seems to be early stage. would not hurt to start using the entire spectrum of nutes. some compost tea with some processed sea weed would hit all your necessary trace elements too


Active Member
Dude you seem to have missed - I am growing in coco not soil. Ph is fine at 6.0, I should not be adding lime or compost. I am using Canna Coco A&B nutrients.

Calmag may be an issue, I am in soft water area. But I still want to know for sure - can calmag deficiency really cause holes to develop in fairly established growth?