holey cannabis leaves batman!!!


Active Member
Im a first time grower, got my new little project and im really pleased with the development, but I have issues.
I germinated my plant in soil in a deodorant lid. Once the stem was tall enough I buried the seed bit. (dont know what all the fuss is about with germination paper or cotton wool??? the way i did it means no disturbing the seed!!)
I got the embryonic leaves, then the two single fingered leaves, then it started to shoot upwards and at nearly 6 weeks old my plant has started its 4th set of branches off the main trunk and a total of 25 leaves (or at least leaf fingers) but I have some minor concerns that I dont want to turn into major concerns.
Out of the first two leaves, one of them started to grow a yellow spot, which was growing, so I cut off the leaf, that seems to be ok as none of the other leaves have shown any signs of this yet.
My second concern is, one of the other leaves (and only one) has a small hole just next to (what looks like ) part of a leaf being torn off. As I say though, it is the only one to be affected. I was thinking of cutting this leaf off once my baby has recovered from the other bit of pruning.
Im using natural mineral water with "Baby Bio" to feed my plant and im really thrilled with the progress its making.
Any advise regarding my concerns will be very much appreciated and i'll continue to watch my baby grow with a huge smile :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
actually 6weeks is a long time for 4 sets of leaves,im at going on 3weeks and im hitting 5sets and thier about3-1/2inches tall some r starting thier 6th,as for the pruning i wouldnt touch a one,and the one with the hole should be fine,dont chop him up,lol,its probly some type of bug,spray some neem oil and the hole should not happen,just keep up with keeping your plants bug free.i spray about every 2 weeks after the first treatment of 2 days in a row,top and bottom leaves,just started this on this new grow and i haven't seen a prob yet!!!knock on wood,lol....good luck,ras


Active Member
I've got some pics on my phone but its an old phone and I cant get them on my pc. I'll try use someone else's phone and get some pics up but I'm sure it'll be ok.


Active Member
ps. When I say 6 weeks, its been six weeks since the seed first opened and growth began, dont know if thats what you would call day 1??


Well-Known Member
You need more light on those things, they look stretched. Are you using CFL's? How far away from the plant are they?


Active Member
they've been on sunlight and under my bedside lamp, which i know sounds amateur (this is my first one and i've got more seeds) but i will be getting more adequate lighting shortly


Active Member
cheers everyone, its definitely growing quicker, since i posted those photo's yesterday, the top set of leaves in the pics have filled right out and the next set are coming through, all that in 24hrs. i'll try post a few more pics sometime next week :blsmoke: