Hollow Stem Strains

eat a snickers, you coming off as a douche.

I'm sorry but most of yall are pulling guesses out of your ass. sure theirs a good amount on this site that know a thing or two but I'd say a good majority of growers on here don't have very much experience although I wouldn't know anything about hollow stems if I didn't read about it but if that where the case I would not have responded.:bigjoint:
What begins hollow usually becomes wood with enough weight and wind , I have some hollow ladies and some damn fine ladies that are more woody in structure .

I do believe this observation to be true in nature but there are many variables in our world that break the rules .
What begins hollow usually becomes wood with enough weight and wind , I have some hollow ladies and some damn fine ladies that are more woody in structure .

I do believe this observation to be true in nature but there are many variables in our world that break the rules .

Yes........but true hollow stem strains dont get woody!
They stay hollow all the way through. What most people are calling hollow are just regular strains that exhibit some hollowness, usually due to slight mutation, or nutient imbalance....like too much fertilizer!
Hollow strains are more like celery.....you can just snap it with your fingers.

Shaniblahblah......is only taking that quote from Marijuana Botony, those props should go to the real man Robert Conell Clark!!!
Shanti is a panty.....sorry it rhymes though!
All of my dream lotus ended up with thick healthy green hollow stalks like celery. I didn't know it was unusual. It's potent though.
I've found sometimes hollow plants are exceptional, sometimes they aren't...

One of the first times I saw a full sized bubbler plant, I had inadvertently grabbed the stem of one of the heads, and rubbed it lightly.

I remember an alarmed bill wonder, as he said to me, "you killed it"...

I said what are you talking about "I killed it?" And Bill replied, "The bubbler (DWC) produces hollow stems. And you just killed that head by touching it".

I said "no I didn't, I hardly touched it, at all"...

Bill walked over to me, and the head I just touched. And grabbed it with some force, and begin pinching it quite firmly. I guess making sure it was dead, if it already wasn't. And said, "see it's dead"... I then further replied, "Well it certainly is now..."
I don't find hollow stem plants any more potent. If anything, the ones that stink the most are usually the most potent in my opinion. I have one plant out of 30 or so clone only's that has a hollow stem. It's good but not any better than the rest.
All of my dream lotus ended up with thick healthy green hollow stalks like celery. I didn't know it was unusual. It's potent though.

yeah i have noticed that bodhi has some hollow stem strains been at the top of my want list for a while, snow leopard and dream lotus are the 2 i know about off hand.
Yes........but true hollow stem strains dont get woody!
They stay hollow all the way through. What most people are calling hollow are just regular strains that exhibit some hollowness, usually due to slight mutation, or nutient imbalance....like too much fertilizer!
Hollow strains are more like celery.....you can just snap it with your fingers.

Shaniblahblah......is only taking that quote from Marijuana Botony, those props should go to the real man Robert Conell Clark!!!
Shanti is a panty.....sorry it rhymes though!

even hollow stems can get thick stalks. theyh will remain hollow, but the space within will be reduced with enough time, wind and rain. he is correct.

nutrients will not cause the conditions, the media used can have an effect to some degree by some strains are truely hollow and thats what we are talking about. regardless of their thickness or woodiness. i have seen many situations with true hollow stemmed plants.

shantibaba or robert conell clark, is correct althoguh. although, hollow stemmed plants are by no means a guarantee of "way better pot" they typically grow and preform better than thier counterparts, whether the potency is above and beyond can go either way, and TBH i have not seen a hollow stem plant more potent than i have seen in solid stem plants. but still equal too, and more consistent, when saying if you had a group of 5 solid stemmed plants and 5 hollow stemmed plants, more of the hollow stemmed plant would be more potent, but the solid stemmed one would have more extremes of high and low potency.

this is really putting shit in a nut shell im not really in the mood to go any further than that.
even hollow stems can get thick stalks. theyh will remain hollow, but the space within will be reduced with enough time, wind and rain. he is correct.

nutrients will not cause the conditions, the media used can have an effect to some degree by some strains are truely hollow and thats what we are talking about. regardless of their thickness or woodiness. i have seen many situations with true hollow stemmed plants.

shantibaba or robert conell clark, is correct althoguh. although, hollow stemmed plants are by no means a guarantee of "way better pot" they typically grow and preform better than thier counterparts, whether the potency is above and beyond can go either way, and TBH i have not seen a hollow stem plant more potent than i have seen in solid stem plants. but still equal too, and more consistent, when saying if you had a group of 5 solid stemmed plants and 5 hollow stemmed plants, more of the hollow stemmed plant would be more potent, but the solid stemmed one would have more extremes of high and low potency.

this is really putting shit in a nut shell im not really in the mood to go any further than that.

I dont agree with this completely.
True hollow stem strains are exceptionally rare, as are clear gold resin glands. No resin that turns gold as it matures, just like strains that are hollow stem, not just coming across the occasional hollow gene.
This is an extremely rare variety, that is soooo rare i've only seen one in my 20 years of breeding and seed searching.
So what i'm saying is when you crack seeds of this strain.....everyone is hollow, not just one or two.

The way you guys speak, it seems like hollow stem is common? I know what your talking about because i come across "hollow" plants, but thats not even close potency to true hollow stem stain.
They are very potent, that why Shanti/Robert say they are rare!!!

I have grown plant that exhibit hollow stems, to some degree, but that seems to happen when plant grow super fast and are having a nutrient problem. Cant remember off hand, so dont quote me, but i think "K" problems can cause this hollowness, which can even exhibit a flat hollowness.
Sounds like your trying to say only you and a couple breeder's can find these hollow stalk plants.

I've seen a couple that have been hollow, haze strains from Mr. Nice.
Sativa are the only ones to have true hollow stems that I've encountered.
Hollow Indica stalks are rare(if they exist). I've never seen hollow stem Indica.
Sounds like your trying to say only you and a couple breeder's can find these hollow stalk plants.

I've seen a couple that have been hollow, haze strains from Mr. Nice.
Sativa are the only ones to have true hollow stems that I've encountered.
Hollow Indica stalks are rare(if they exist). I've never seen hollow stem Indica.

Thats exactally what i'm saying!!!
These are extremely rare varieties!!!!
I know what your saying about haze....cause i used to work with Neville's haze. I noticed the ones with the longer nodes seem more likely to exhibit this.
Is this your finding as well?
Exactly the strain I'm referring to.
Not all of them exhibit this trait, but the ones that did...WOW!
Too bad I didn't clone back then, big mistake
I didnt think hollow stems were a big deal,from what Ive seen almost all marijuana plants from seed have some hollow stems to begin with. It goes away once youre just using clones of the strain. Ive yet to see clones with hollow stems. I mean clones taken from a clone mother not a seed plant.
Don't know about that since I didn't clone them back then...
You could be right, I'm not an authority on it!
is this a breeders name or lierally hollow stems? In my experiences hollow stems happen when there is not enough wind to make the plant "beef up". Happens alot indoors then the stems cant support the buds. outdoors this is less of a problem because of the stems and branches getting exercise and building "muscle".
poppycock...the "wind" or air movement does NOT made sturdier stems...air circulation is great though just doen't do that .. hollow stems is a trait sought after in breeding for various beneficial reasons
Hollow stems for breeding potent pot only holds true for selecting male plants unless youre breeding for hemp then you would pair it up with a hollow stem female and get some bad ass low potency plants for harvesting hemp
whats with all the uneducated posts not one post here is worth a damn.

as for hollow stems a lot of strains have them and no its got nothing too do with wind sure to some extent outdoor stems are stronger and thicker but you still get hollow stems just not so much the bigger parts of the stem.

but I've read from breeders yes breeders not just out of my ass like the rest of you newbies that the plants with more hollow stems tend to be more potent and more pruductive as far as bud and drug traits, but the more solid pith filled stems are putting more of their energy into fiber production. according too shantibaba its true for the most part. also dj short talks about it in his book.

come to think of it most plants I grow have hollow stems probably cause its a desirable trait for breeders.

yes let me just say, the internet is not made for venting while on your period. Go moan to your boyfriend when your having hotflashes.