Holodeck Jesus, Northern Lights, Afghani, Skunkberry


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Starting up a journal for my next grow. A bit late.

Cannabeizen Holodeck Jesus x 6
00 Seeds Northern Lights (fem)
WoS Afghan Kush
Peak Seeds BC Skunkberry (clone)

Happy Frog soil
HLG QB 288 v1 5000k for veg
currently in 2x2x4 Coolgrows tent

I got these going a few weeks ago, just stuck them in the closet doing their own thing until I got my second tent set up. I uppotted them a few days ago, and topped the NL and AK. I'll top the HJs after another node or too.

The plants are a bit more staggered than I wanted, I had some trouble with germination on some of the HJ seeds, and had to start several batches.

Back left is the NL, back center is the AK, front center is the SB clone. I'm not sure why the AK is looking so ragged, hopefully the nutes in the Happy Frog will perk it back up.


Looks like two phenos from the HJs (not including the little oddball in the corner). The bottom right, HJ #5, is looking different than the others.

The little one in the lower left is the same age as the one in the lower right, but for about two weeks it didn't do anything, just hung out with cotyledon leaves, and no signs of growth, then a few days ago it managed to break through:

The plan is to get them topped, then get them under 12/12 to sex them, and then I'll figure out what I'm doing from there, whether I want to veg them more or run them more sog style.


Well-Known Member
Things have been coming along on my second grow back. Will switch to 12/12 soonish to sex them, and depending on the results, either put them back into veg for a bit, or just run them. Might up-pot them first.

Here's the group shot. My topping/fimming was apparently a bit sloppy, I needed to wait a couple of more days, so there are some weird looking leaves, but it should work itself out.
That Afghani in the middle back is a bit taller and lankier than I expected, and standing head and shoulders above the rest, but then the only other plant that is actually the same age here is the NL, which is not exactly known for being tall. I'm hoping that means it's a boy... which was my hope for the AK all along, started two AKs but only one popped.

HJs #1,2 and 3 are looking really nice in their growth pattern (back right, middle right which i just slid forward, and middle left). Already throwing out 9 fingered leaves.
The one in the middle is #4, looking good, but definitely a different pheno.
#5 (in the orange pot) seems to be another completely different pheno, with some odd looking leaves and spacing; looks a bit like there's some ruderalis influence there, which as i understand the lineage, there shouldn't be.

Bottom middle is HJ#6, the runt/mutant/late starter.

Bottom left is the SB clone coming along; might end up using that for breeding.


HJ #5... ruderalis? Kinda looks like it:

HJ #6, the oddball doing its thing (this is about a month old):

SB clone... my first ever successful clone, might have her make some babies for me:


Well-Known Member
6-16 update.

I put 5 of the 6 Holodeck Jesus plants into the flower tent to sex them. I also put the AK in there, but noticed that it had shown fem after only a day or two, so put that back in the veg tent with the NL, the SB clone, and the HJ runt.

Here's the flower tent with my SB that's just finishing up, and the GSC which has been looking really ragged lately, but is almost done, just waiting on a few more amber trichs. 3 HJs are pretty nice and bushy with nice secondary growth coming on (back left, back right, and front center), and 2 are basically just sticks with leaves.


Here's the veg tent. I up-potted the NL to a 5 gallon fabric pot, and the SB clone and HJ runt from party cups, I'll give the HJ runt another week or so and then move it to the flower tent too. The AK will be up-potted in the next day or two... but I really don't know what to do with it.

My original plan when I started growing again was to buy a cheap light, a cheap tent, and a few seeds and then make my own seeds from there, as I'm not really that heavy of a user or that much of a connoisseur. So I bought some stuff from Peak, a few things from TSSC and figured I'd use the AK for breeding, maybe cross it with Skunkberry or Texada skunk, or a couple of the Kera seeds or the freebie GSCs, about $100 in seeds and I should be good

Well, I should really know myself better by now, and I've gone down the rabbit hole a bit on buying seeds... 8 packs of bodhi later, along with some Greenpoint, Useful, Hazeman, Farmhouse, Bad Dawg, a bunch of Peak left and a few other things, and I'm just not that interested in the AK anymore.

Trying to decide if I should just flower it out or hit it with some of the Texada Skunk pollen I collected on the last grow... might be a decent cross, but realistically I probably wouldn't grow them out since I already have more stuff than I'll probably ever get to. I could give them away, or go Johnny Appleweed with them. Can't quite decide.

Am also thinking about holding onto that Peak Skunkberry clone (or pulling another couple of clones from it) and hit it with some Sunshine Daydream or Soul Mate pollen if I get a male on my next grow, since I'm planning on F2ing one or both of those anyways, and because those both seem like they have some potential.


Well-Known Member
6-17 update:

Two of the HJs have showed sex.

HJ #2 has showed fem. She's one of the bushier plants. I'll start doing some LST soon, and maybe a bit more of a breeze to help fatten up those stems. A bit droopy because she was thirsty:


HJ #3 has shown male. He was one of the spindly ones with no side branching (nice leaves, though). I'm really surprised how long the internode spacing is on this, considering I was vegging under a 5000k QB. He's been pulled and will be culled shortly:


Well-Known Member
7-2 update

Three other HJ's have showed fem, only the runt hasn't shown yet. It was kind of weird, I kept on looking at the stem bases/crotches for preflowers and didn't see anything. Then two days ago I looked in and all three had started little crowns of flowers at the top. The HJ's have proven pretty stretchy, and not terribly robust... really thin stems. They'll need some support. I was waiting until they showed to up-pot them... gotta get on that in the next day or two, probably later than would be ideal, but they're in pretty small pots at the moment.

Will put the NL in the flower tent when I cut that faded looking Skunk Berry. Need to do a bit of LST soon, but should make for a pretty full tent.

I'm also thinking of popping some seeds from my last grow and throwing them straight into the flower tent (GSC x Texada Skunk).

I gotta say, I'm a bit surprised by how slowly all these plants grew under the 5000k qb. I know 5000k is supposed to keep them more compact, but it almost seemed like growth was completely stagnant.

Anyway, here's the flower tent. The SB finishing up is obvious, lower left is the AK, the rest are HJ.

And Here's the NL, topped once and a bit of LST. Getting close to 3 months old and still probably less than a foot tall... compact plant plus 5000k light.


Well-Known Member
7-7 update
It's 3 weeks since the first plants showed sex. The runt still hasn't showed anything, though it's looking nice. The first HJ that showed sex and the AK are in 2 1/2 gallon plastic pots, the second 3 HJs are in 2 gallon fabric.
The NL is in 5 gallon fabric, but it hasn't really done much lately, just put it in the flower tent today after cutting the SB from my previous grow.

(AK is top right corner, NL is bottom right, rest are HJ)


Well-Known Member
7-12 Update

Tent's looking good. The runt has shown fem. We're at about a month since the flip for 4 of the HJs and the AK. Frost starting to build up on some of the HJs.
Added a GSC x Texada Skunk seedling to run 12/12. Hope it's a girl.

I set aside the SB clone for breeding, or possible clone mothering

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7-20 update

We're at only 5 weeks since the flip, but a couple of the HJs and the AK are starting to have a fair number of pistils change colors, and I haven't seen any nanners. I'm all for fast finishing... but I'd like to see these bulk up a bit more.

This is the 1st of the HJs to show fem (slightly out of focus):

and one of the later ones:

And the AK:


Well-Known Member
7-29 update

6 weeks since the flip on the first of these.

Here's the tent. i'm starting to get some fade even though I've been feeding a fair amount of nitrogen still. Had to add support for a number of these plants.


HJ #1 starting to put on some bulk and some trichs. Still lots of white pistils, but probably not that much longer:

A couple of the HJs that got a later start (left), and the runt (on the right):

The GSC x Texada Skunk I'm running 12/12 from seed...gotten really spindly:

One of the colas from the AK:
And, finally, the NL. Unfortunately I lost a branch/cola from her while unloading the tent to water. But she's looking really happy, constantly praying, looking perky:



Well-Known Member
As I was scrolling through those pics, I noticed that it looked like that GSCxTS might have balls, and indeed upon further inspection, it is showing male and has been pulled.


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A bit more than 7 weeks on the older ones. Starting to look pretty good. Doesn't look like I'm going to have really heavy yielders, though. Haven't really done much to these, topped them once, and have pretty much left them alone, just fed them and gave a bit of support.

I don't think I mentioned it before, but this is flowering under a single HLG QB288 v2 at about 135w.

Here's the oldest of the Holodeck Jesus plants. Not seeing any amber trichs yet, but it can't be that far off:

and one of the HJs that started later:

and one of the Afghan Kush:

Didn't take any pics of the NL, but it's just not that interesting right now. The smell from the tent isn't terribly distinctive or strong, just smells like weed... a bit skunky, a bit sweet.


Well-Known Member
8-21 update

9 weeks or thereabout for the first ones to get flipped:

I chopped the AK today, didn't get a good pic of it. Still pushing out white pistils, but probably 30% amber trichs, maybe more.... lots of amber. So i cut it. Won't be a huge yielder. Pretty typical musky Kush smell with some underlying spiciness.

One of the smaller HJs was showing about 15% amber, so I cut that too. Another small yielder, don't know if that's down to the pheno or the conditions. this is one of the ones I finished in a 2 gallon fabric pot. I thought the 2 gallon fabric would be closer to the 3 gallon plastic in terms of plant size and yield, but really isn't close. I didn't get a great pic of this one either... here it is upside down after I cut it. Smell is a bit hard for me to describe... maybe rotting fruit mixed with kerosene:

The big mystery, though, is the best HJ performer. It's been looking pretty much done for a week and a half to two weeks now. Pushing out a few more white pistils here and there, but not many. But I'm hard pressed to find any amber on it. One or two here or there. Hardly any clear either. Pretty much just a sea of cloudy trichs... certainly not the worst thing in the world. but considering how many ambers it's younger sibling is showing, it's a bit odd. Also a much bigger yield on this than its three siblings.



Well-Known Member
8-25 update

Chopped another of the HJs today. Another one in a fabric pot. Not a very good yielder. Lots of amber trichs at 9 1/2 weeks or so. Doesn't look like anything special:

The one that was a bit more mature going into the tent, and is in the bigger plastic pot still is showing hardly any amber, but some of the nicest looking flowers I've ever grown, and way more bulk than its siblings. I'll give it a bit longer to see if any more trichs turn:


Well-Known Member
8-28 update
Well, I went ahead and chopped that first HJ. Over 10 weeks since showing fem. I'd been watching it pretty closely for a couple of weeks, but really didn't see any more trichs turning amber, just watching it fade away and get browner. Looks pretty good though. Left enough to re-veg. My plan for my next grow is to make some Sunshine Daydream F2s and crosses. So I think I'll cross this with the SSDD once I get them going, I'll cross that Skunkberry clone that I set aside too, along with a few other things (blueberries n' chocolate, blackened oranges, soul mate, raspberry hashplant maybe).
