Holy cow! Diablo og with 29.7% thc

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Sad to say there is no standard for Cannabis Labs and testing at this time and its noted that often a sample sent three ways will be tested at 3 facilities with three conflicting test results ..

Dont always believe what you read !

Plus growing conditions affect THC content. I believe anything above 15% is a rare "home-grown" occurence, and at that, it is kick-ass, knock-down herb! My opinion only.


Well-Known Member
Depends on which number you go by. There is thc,thca,delta9 thc, and max theoretical thc. The lowest one that just says thc on the tests is the honest number to go by, as it was explained to me when Ive gotten stuff tested. Because when you smoke it,thats the amount that youre actually getting. But growers and clubs that are trying to hype their stuff as much as possible (usually SoCal people :) ) use the "max theoretical thc" when talking about a strains potency. This way they can appear to have stronger stuff than the growers/clubs that go by the lower, actual percentage. The club from that link is doing that it looks like,adding d9 + thca to get the max theoretical %. Technically not lying,since when you click on a strain it says "total thc" (meaning "we added all the numbers together to inflate it") but they know people will just look at that number and think that it is real.