Holy cow, just WTF happened here?


Well-Known Member
I'm doing some DWC experiments, because I haven't touched the stuff in a decade.
So I'm testing sterile vs. bennies for keeping the roots clean. I have no chiller, no plan to implement one, either.
So on this one, I added some SA GFF and maybe??? some light malt extract. The pictures are one day apart. I certainly didn't expect the SG to create that mess. Was it the added malt extract powder that did this? I have the same stuff in some jars, testing, and there isn't any growth like that!!!! Maybe it's the added air bubbles??
Shit 1.jpgshit 2.jpg
You need trichoderma.if you are from europe go to my diary first post mycos and bactor zhey sell for 5$ a bag i used now for 6 grows still didnt use it compleatly

Do you have light leaks(white pots allsoo can leak) and does the water smell like shit or like a pond?