HOLY FUCK! What can I do..? +rep


Well-Known Member
yea i have never used hygrozyme and i have also NEVER EVER seen a green algae in my res. I dont use H2O2 for my own reasons based on organic bio class. (no one wants to hear it) but i hae never really needed it. i havent changed my res in four weeks and ill take a pic tom of it if you want i just kept the ph an ppm just about right an all went well. and for the past week i have only been adding ph'd water so by the time it need it. the plants will basically be on a flush cycle. also on a side note with this Snow white from nirvana and GH Flora Nova i havent been losing any fan leaves even once the buds are fully formed. just short of the last week a few fall off but i've never had a leaf protruding from the bud turn yellow and all of them have been very dank once cured. among the top five of my homegrown strains.


Well-Known Member
fuck hygrozyme?? have you never used it or something?? it's true that you don't want light penetrating your reservoir, but fuck hygrozyme? do you swear by sensizyme or something? what is the better product? or are you just ignorant of the virtues of beneficial enzymes in and around your rootzone?
have you not fully researched the product and found that many people received a "bad batch" which actually CAUSED pythium in problem free systems?

FUCK HYGROZYME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes, i'm one of the ones who lost entire crops due to that nasty shit.


Well-Known Member
i have only had great results. sorry you got a bad batch. i have turned every single grower i know in person in to using it, along with vermitea, and banana manna in addition to whatever nute schedule they use. all of which give me, and everyone else i know, great results. crazy that it turned out bad for you. as you can see i, and the people who work at the local hydro store, swear by it. i needed no further research above aplication and results.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a hydro guy but I'd suggest painting the outside of your rez black. looks like it's getting too much light in there.


Active Member
i dont grow hydro but i know algie needs light to survive, i would suspect that the fooked foliage is a result of the algie too but i may be well off, get your light leaks sorted in your tank once you have it clean or you'll be cleaning it again shortly.


Well-Known Member
fuck hygrozyme, that stuff is nasty.

your problem is light penetrating your container. cover it with a black trash bag to prevent light from reaching the water/roots. that will end your troubles.
I'm not sure if hygrozyme is "nasty" or not, but your problem is, indeed, light penetrating the reservoir. The reservoir should be pretty close to pitch black when covered. Algae in and of itself isn't harmfull to roots, but it will compete for nutrients, which is why you don't want it in your res. Just don't do anything too drastic, you'll end up doing more harm than good.