holy molly what is this help please

What's the size of room don't forget they will take off when u go flower. And I was thinking have u worked out how u are going to put the mesh for scrogg

Room you got it right sorry forgot to confirm
Yes it is a 4x4
And I am thinking of plastic tubes with a net on it saw many setups like that also looks cheap to do ( wich is a good thing )

As I am at £1500 already in total and I do not wish to spend 1 more penny until I am able to harvest


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I wish I was there so would put on right path at the start I put sum pics up show how my is done


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Wait, I'm lost, must of omitted some crucial information. Are those clones or plants grown from seed? And what about those under the LED? Did you re-pot them yet?

But honestly, you're going to have fun with filling out that net. If it's ok, I would advise you to check out the amount of stretch that could occur with the different strains you have there.
Wait, I'm lost, must of omitted some crucial information. Are those clones or plants grown from seed? And what about those under the LED? Did you re-pot them yet?

Plants grown from seeds all of them
Repoting them now tonight just waiting for the rest of my soil to mix it together liturally stayed home all day waiting for it
For an organic Super Soil recipe
Mixes 8 - 10 gallons

1.5 cubic feet bag of organic soil with coco fiber and mychorrhizae. ( I used a bag of Roots organic and it does not contain myco, just order that seperatly, don't skimp you need myco)

5 lbs vermiculite ( optional)
5 lbs perlite
6 lbs of worm castings
10 ounces bone meal
10 ounces bat guano
10 ounces blood meal
6 ounces rock phophate
1.5 tablespoon of epsom salt
1.5 tablespool of sweet lime (dolomite)
1 tablespoon of azomite ( trace elements )
3/4 teaspoon of humic acid (powdered form) get the small 8 once pakage this laste forever.

Mix all ingredients very well and wear a mask outdoors! Not indoors at all. Add 5 cups of water let it "cook" (let it sit partially uncovered) for 30-60 days before using.

I use grow bags, if you use pots use stones to bottom layer above drain holes. I use 3 layers of soil. Bottom is SS mix, middle layer is 50/50 mix of SS and roots organic, top layer is 100% roots organic. I use this method because the mix is too hot for seedlings (once my seeds soak overnite I put into soil I don't wait to see a tap root). Then I put a 1 inch layer of green sand after seed sprouts.

All you need is water and supliment with teas.
