HOLY SH*T!!! This Bugged me out! SCARYYYY


Well-Known Member
what part of texas? we have aligator worms down here, when they bite you your skin rots. that looks kinda like one


Well-Known Member
yum...rotting flesh...

you can pic you friends, and you can pic your nose. But you cant pic your friends nose.
we should smoke.


Well-Known Member
looks like a catapillar to me and they don't normally bite though we have some black and red stinging ones here in the south.


Well-Known Member
lol comparing my bug with the one above, i'd say mine was prettier lol

hah but anyways, here are the pics as promised....

what do you think? trippy right? the colors on him reminds me of a bowl I had that changes color lol

ROFLMAO.sorry but its a CATERPILLAR and not even a hairy one.


Well-Known Member
lol comparing my bug with the one above, i'd say mine was prettier lol

hah but anyways, here are the pics as promised....

what do you think? trippy right? the colors on him reminds me of a bowl I had that changes color lol

That is a catapillar. They are very common in TX and are totally harmless.


Well-Known Member
It was just a little caterpillar lol. The bug I'm most afraid of is a centipede.. they creep me out so badly. A huge one was in my room before and I was trying to kill it and it ran away and I couldn't find it. I didn't sleep in my room that night because the thought of all their little legs crawlin' all over me creeps me out:-|:spew:
Ok, yeah, that wins, freaked me out just thinking about it.

That cute little caterpillar will be a butterfly in a few more days:oops:,let him go.

Or you could call animal control to have them pick up that viscous rascal.

I agree, but he did say he was high.
good point...but still, even high, I don't think I'd be too worried about a flutterby to be.