holy shit!! need advice ASAP


I really can't afford to lose my job, especially because I'm going to be assuming the manager position in the middle of January so... I'm just going to do the right thing and forfeit the money. It wasn't mine to begin with, and as your right gogrow I don't REALLY need it but it would be awesome... It's like a week before christmas.... who wouldn't want an extra $1000 bucks to play with... hah. but I need to think long term.
My point is that there is no reason they can take your job for you "not reporting".... assuming that they feel that you get paid well and its more than enough to survive on, there is no way that they can assume that you had any clue.... Unless you count every dollar and scrapes by week to week, I'd wager that most people do NOT check their accounts on a regular basis, unless there is a major purchase being planned. Now if you were to go and withdraw everything from the account, THEN you are a proven asshole trying to usurp the bank or employer. Also, you never did anything to defraud/take advantage of said employer.... mistake was made between the employer and the bank.... regardless, the bank will take care of that, and its their problem with you, not the employer's.... Even if you were to withdraw it all, the bank would still cover it for the employer, and take it out of your empty account, making you owe them, which is why I say not to touch it for 30days. .....
Just my opinion though, take it how you will.

HAHAHAHAHAAAHAAA!! aside from it all
dont mind to piss you off

funee shit GOGROW!
well, we dont have our "mod" tags anymore, so I figured maybe it would help :)
My point is that there is no reason they can take your job for you "not reporting".... assuming that they feel that you get paid well and its more than enough to survive on, there is no way that they can assume that you had any clue.... Unless you count every dollar and scrapes by week to week, I'd wager that most people do NOT check their accounts on a regular basis, unless there is a major purchase being planned. Now if you were to go and withdraw everything from the account, THEN you are a proven asshole trying to usurp the bank or employer. Also, you never did anything to defraud/take advantage of said employer.... mistake was made between the employer and the bank.... regardless, the bank will take care of that, and its their problem with you, not the employer's.... Even if you were to withdraw it all, the bank would still cover it for the employer, and take it out of your empty account, making you owe them, which is why I say not to touch it for 30days. .....
Just my opinion though, take it how you will.

well, we dont have our "mod" tags anymore, so I figured maybe it would help :)
Thank you that was my point just not in those words..


Active Member
why ask advice if ur to big of a pussy to take it keep the money in ur acct until its asked for if not keep that shit , ever heard of a christmas miracle? hahahaha


why ask advice if ur to big of a pussy to take it keep the money in ur acct until its asked for if not keep that shit , ever heard of a christmas miracle? hahahaha
I'm hoping like hell for one of these "christmas miracles".... just started a new job, and have only gotten one full check which went to bills, making this next one the only money for the rest of bills AND christmas for the two boys.... but direct deposit should kick in this week, so I'm hoping like hell that I'll get that AND a paper check :D ...... Of course I'd pay them back, but I damn sure would spend the shit out of it for christmas first ;) ...... but then again, Im fairly confident that my supervisors/higher ups at my job would be understanding and just hold my next check


Undercover Mod
I'm sure even if you are responsible to pay back the money even if it was a mistake. It is still not your money. They will notice sooner or later. 1,000.00 dollars doesn't go by unnoticed especially not these days.


I'm sure even if you are responsible to pay back the money even if it was a mistake. It is still not your money. They will notice sooner or later. 1,000.00 dollars doesn't go by unnoticed especially not these days.
you'd be surprised .... my only experience with this was with a $2,800 boo-boo in my favor.... with an entity, not an employer, and it went overlooked with no issues.... same kind of thing too, except mine was an obvious double deposit, as they were both for the same amount, same memo. ....
In the end, it's all up to supgee, but now it's all a little bit of our soap opera :D


Well-Known Member
Well my girlfriends at work imma wait and see what she thinks about this shit. And I was planning on having dinner with my parents tonight so I'll bring it up and see what they say..

Every google story I've found so far ends with the person in trouble, or just overdrafted for the amount they owe so what's the point.
Rather look good for my boss reporting the problem than a dishonest asshole but we shall see


Well-Known Member
I think it would be very much in your favour to report it, companies like haveing reliable honest staff.


I think it would be very much in your favour to report it, companies like haveing reliable honest staff.
which will be rewarded how????

but you're right, every large group loves people that look out for the hive over themselves ;) ...... fuck big businesses


Well-Known Member
It's a straight up blizzard right now, so it's not like I'm doing anything with the money today.
I'll keep you guys posted and let you know what happens, but it's doubtful I will keep it. Just seems not worth the trouble for a measly $1000


Undercover Mod
Just let it sit in your account and if no one says anything after a few month, do what u gotta do lol

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
lol i wanna hear that story
Actually, they only found out as they were preparing to lay a bunch of people off, including me.

They tried to get me to pay them back, but there was nothing they could do at this point to press the matter.

Long story short, I stuck it to the man to the tune of about 8 thousand bucks.

But if you like your job, I wouldn't advise keeping the money.

As for me, I hated place and it makes me smile every time I think about it.


Well-Known Member
report it and get the rep as trustworthy. Who knows? Maybe this is a test to see if you are worthy of greater responsibility?


Well-Known Member
This happened to my wife once thank god she did not use it, because she had to pay it all back. what will happen is your jobs account rep will ask the bank for a retraction and what ever is not there will come out of your personal funds or it will overdraw your account and if that happens they will notify your job that the money was unavailable and they will come after you.

Hidden Door

i've been through this myself and i used the money to pay bills before they caught it, but when they did catch it i had to pay it back. and they will find their mistake.

HOLY shit! *rubs my eyes quickly*
I think the bank just made a bank error - in my favor.

Does ANYONE know what the laws are for bank errors or wrong transactions? cuz I swear to fucking god my work paid me twice today! I never requested vacation pay or holiday pay or anything (and even if I did I only have like $300 in vacation pay saved up) but I checked my bank account this morning because it's pay day and HOLY FUCK!! I got double paid!!

Does anyone know my legal obligations? Do I have to inform my work of this problem? I'm figuring they're gonna figure it out sooner or later... because they'll see two proccesses for the same chequing account... obviously I'm going to say something so it doesn't happen again... but am I under ANY legal obligation to give this money back? can I just claim I didn't notice until it was too late? What if I spend all the money quickly so even if they "request" it back... I can just be like... "uhh shit I spent it all, it's not my problem I thought that was my money"

or is this just my luck fucking day????? I'm not even butt fucking kidding!! :hump::hump::hump:

I think I got someone elses cheque deposited into my account or some shit. :neutral:

Dec 17, 2010 Balance 2505.22
Dec 17, 2010 PAYROLL DEPOSIT 1457.52
Dec 17, 2010 PAYROLL DEPOSIT 1047.70


Pickle Queen
Same here a few years a ago my ex employer paid me twice the same day, i sent and email to payroll , never used the money and waited, a few days later they sent me an email back asking me to pay the funds back, i'm happy i never spent it because either way i would have had to give it back, it was not mine to begin with. But i would ask someone on payroll, it would suck if you where the other person who never got paid. It's all about karma
I understand everyones point of view like i said the worst that can happen is that he be asked to pay it back.Not that big of a deal.They will also give hi time to do so.So its not like he put a gun to payrolls head and said payroll its a stickup gimme a grand