Holy Smoke: Strawberry Diesel - 400w Waterfarm


Well-Known Member
im subbed.....

interested to see what the temps do when the canopy causes you to raise the light higer
temps actually don't change. I usually have the light as high as it goes and the temps are at 84ish. I bought a window ac and that took the temp down in the tent to 76 inside the tent.

tomorrow is day 11 and it looks like it's not going to look like my other cfl plants did at day 11. I wonder if they grow faster under cfls during veg because you can keep the lights a lot closer.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
ahh window ac OK :) sweet

wait til you get your first fan leaf then it will take off and develop into a bush in a week ;)

and yeah a lot of people that have been doin this for a while don't veg with HIDs... they use floros for the clear cut type of operations... that being said I used MH for my seedlings last run and they did just fine... However I am buying a small floro setup to veg out my seedlings next... I figure less power, closer/cooler light, & tiny compact nodes in veg.

The light is a little easier on their tiny little baby leaves ;) But sure enough after like 2-3 weeks a plant is ready to benefit from an HID. Very small window, but if your doing grow after grow after grow Floros for seedlings/clones becomes more and more ideal ;)

HID won't harm them at all, it just isn't 100% the kind of light you want for seedling babies.....

and yes this is probably why your CFL's did marginally better at this stage.... though once you get the fan leaves under the HID they grow like they NEVER did with cfls :)


Well-Known Member
ahh window ac OK :) sweet

wait til you get your first fan leaf then it will take off and develop into a bush in a week ;)

and yeah a lot of people that have been doin this for a while don't veg with HIDs... they use floros for the clear cut type of operations... that being said I used MH for my seedlings last run and they did just fine... However I am buying a small floro setup to veg out my seedlings next... I figure less power, closer/cooler light, & tiny compact nodes in veg.

The light is a little easier on their tiny little baby leaves ;) But sure enough after like 2-3 weeks a plant is ready to benefit from an HID. Very small window, but if your doing grow after grow after grow Floros for seedlings/clones becomes more and more ideal ;)

HID won't harm them at all, it just isn't 100% the kind of light you want for seedling babies.....

and yes this is probably why your CFL's did marginally better at this stage.... though once you get the fan leaves under the HID they grow like they NEVER did with cfls :)
Yea, I noticed when I grew with CFL's that it grew great the first few weeks then it didn't go as good as I thought it would using CFL's for flowering. It didn't take off like those hps grows do, even 150w hps seemed to grow faster and bigger than my 200 watts of cfl bulbs. 3 more weeks under the HM, I MAY switch to a few cfl's but i highly doubt I will. It's a hassle to figure out how to mount those things. I'd almost rather buy a big ass cfl bulb, but for 80 bucks. I'm doubting it. :lol:

I dropped my cool tube to a few inches away from the plant. With the ac on full blast the tent stays around 77 and the bulb isn't even hot. It's almost like having a cfl bulb in the tent as far as heat output.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yeah I wanted a cool tube but I couldn't find one that would fit in a 2x2x5.3 ... so i figure i'm just waiting until I get a 3x3x6 and just buying new everything :p .....future future..... of course...

btw: cfl/ real fluros...

ideal with lots of seedlings.. im going to get one half that size for veg for 2 plants, and then flower under 250w hortilux hps... this is what im choosing to do after vegging with MH once :) you may go down the same route who knows


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wanted a cool tube but I couldn't find one that would fit in a 2x2x5.3 ... so i figure i'm just waiting until I get a 3x3x6 and just buying new everything :p .....future future..... of course...

btw: cfl/ real fluros...

ideal with lots of seedlings.. im going to get one half that size for veg for 2 plants, and then flower under 250w hortilux hps... this is what im choosing to do after vegging with MH once :) you may go down the same route who knows
Yea, I had a really hard time finding a cool tube that could fit into a 20x36. It JUST fits, but it fits. :lol: I think next time around I might grab a 200w cfl and throw it in the cool tube.


Well-Known Member
So a tip of the leaf broke this morning. Nothing major, just doesn't look as purdy. Had it happen last grow as well. Didn't seem to affect plant or slow down growth. After having the light lowered for a day. I didn't really notice much difference except a few extra degrees on the thermometer so I raised it back up. Wish day 25 would hurry up and get here! Almost half way there.

Thinking the leafs changing is a bit of overnute. I should of ran just straight water for the first 2 weeks or like 1/4 tsp for 2 gallons. So I'm going to flush it out today and not add nutes until next week or depending on how it looks.

Day 11
View attachment 1719851


Well-Known Member
Flushed out and added 1/4 tsp of nutes for 2 gallons. Took ppms up to 175 from 0. Poured water into the res and not over the hydroton so the ppms will probably rise over the next few days. Interested to see how it does with next to no nutes. Waterfarm and hydro is definitely a learning experience.


Well-Known Member
Yea, already looks better. I see no more nute burn showing up after the flush. Looks like growth is starting to speed up a little. Roots may be getting close to the bottom of the bucket. Prolly will be another week though.


Well-Known Member
Your seedling is exactly in the same stage as my seedlings.
lovin it, only difference is yours seems a little stronger, i just put a fan on mine to give them some strength.


Well-Known Member
Took some pics of the roots popping out of the rockwool. Still nothing out of the top bucket yet which is expected since it's not even 2 weeks along.

Something I forgot to say in the beginning. I'm not doing 18/6 light cycle, I'm trying 16/8 to see how it does. So far it looks like the extra 2 hours of dark isn't slowing down growth.



Well-Known Member
Great looking roots - she's nice and healthy! It will still take a bit for the roots to reach the rez, but it should be any day now!


Rebel From The North
Took some pics of the roots popping out of the rockwool. Still nothing out of the top bucket yet which is expected since it's not even 2 weeks along.

Something I forgot to say in the beginning. I'm not doing 18/6 light cycle, I'm trying 16/8 to see how it does. So far it looks like the extra 2 hours of dark isn't slowing down growth.

View attachment 1721569
looking great and root look healthy


Well-Known Member
Great looking roots - she's nice and healthy! It will still take a bit for the roots to reach the rez, but it should be any day now!
Thanks I'm pretty excited to see a root poke through the bottom. Still nothing yet. Plant still seems to be suffering from a bit of nute burn as far as I can tell. It does appear to be doing a lot better though. At least I learned something. No nutes for the first couple weeks. Something I was unsure about in the beginning and now I know.

looking great and root look healthy
Thanks, this morning a root was poking through the top of the rockwool aiming for the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Today is the 14th day since seed sprouting.

PPM is sitting right at 200. It went up to 220 the day before so I assume that means the plant is taking in nutes finally. Not going to add any nutes for a week or so. pH is a bit high at 7.0. Prolly going to go out and buy a bottle of pH down.



Well-Known Member
Never seen strawberry diesel. I'm down to watch her grow. Looks good dude.
Thanks for the sub. It's said to have a huge yield so I'm excited to see and grow strawberry diesel. I could not find one good grow journal on it so I guess I'm breaking new ground for those who wanted to see it.


Well-Known Member
Just a note. The new leaves that are growing in are about as long as the first two leaves that grew in. Grew a lot today since I lowered the light to about 3" away from the top. Heat isn't an issue because with the ac on and the cool tube the light doesn't get hot at all. I can probably get it 2" from the top and have heat not be an issue. Wish I could of had the light that low from the top but I don't think the seedling needed that much light, everyday it seems like it needs more and the leaves are turning up towards the light more and more everyday.


Well-Known Member
Root has appeared through the bottom of the top bucket! We're gonna be rolling here soon.. Growth was pretty amazing last night. I checked last night before lights went out and there was no root coming through so it all went down during the 8 hours of dark.

Day 15
