Holy Tits My Landlord Just Walked In. My Wife


Moderatrix of Journals
^^total chick writing. don't you think?

and i'm not knocking anybody's ability to discern different cheeses (again, italians <-and italian-bloodeds don't count lol ;)), but it'd be a pretty tall order for some WASPy stoner dudes, over all the cannabutter and coffee liqueur and cocoa flavour to boot. i'll use the mascarpone for the tiramisu i eat *after the other tiramisu. (and then somebody send me a crowbar so i roll myself outside for a puff)

baaaa hahahaha you called it gravy~. that was rather confusing, growing up in little italy in an asian immigrant family: "spaghetti sauce is gravy? so what the heck is that brown stuff?" (<- my mom's cooking is so asian, in fact, i never actually encountered THAT gravy until i had my first turkey dinner when i was, i think, 21?)


Active Member
Go thread go. My wife is in my green room again. She doesnt even smoke. She says that she is learning the ropes just in case. Not sure what she meant.


Active Member
Since this is a jacked thread anyway... I have a tech question. Is there anyway to move my journal from my profile page to the grow journals thread short of copy and paste ?


Moderatrix of Journals
i *think you can get a mod to do it for you, if you ask nice?
(idk, i have one of each for similar reasons)


Active Member
Oh, I did at first, too. But my offline journal was suffering, due to online activities. I thought I'd just keep one here and my offline one. Haha, I have only updated my offline 2 times in almost 2 weeks. And that one was/is way more detailed, in lots of ways. Online, lots of pics, but sometimes skimpy details. Offline tons of details few pics, although my computer has tons of pics. But my journal's on my I-pad and I have to e-mail myself pics to put them in it, which I don't like to do too often. Google saves the mail you delete in a separate folder. You have to delete everything 3 times, unless I'm missing a folder, to really get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, short of copy and paste, I'm not sure you have a lot of options here. Perhaps if you use your feminine wiles, you can get a mod to take care of it all for you. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Go thread go. My wife is in my green room again. She doesnt even smoke. She says that she is learning the ropes just in case. Not sure what she meant.
Well why haven't you asked her to elaborate ;) maybe she wants to take an interest in what ya do..just thought


Active Member
^^total chick writing. don't you think?

and i'm not knocking anybody's ability to discern different cheeses (again, italians <-and italian-bloodeds don't count lol ;)), but it'd be a pretty tall order for some WASPy stoner dudes, over all the cannabutter and coffee liqueur and cocoa flavour to boot. i'll use the mascarpone for the tiramisu i eat *after the other tiramisu. (and then somebody send me a crowbar so i roll myself outside for a puff)

baaaa hahahaha you called it gravy~. that was rather confusing, growing up in little italy in an asian immigrant family: "spaghetti sauce is gravy? so what the heck is that brown stuff?" (<- my mom's cooking is so asian, in fact, i never actually encountered THAT gravy until i had my first turkey dinner when i was, i think, 21?)
I only call it gravy when I'm cooking for 10-12 hours and there's sausage and pork and meatballs in it. If I make a quick version, it's just spaghetti sauce. But, usually I don't use my quick sauce for spaghetti, more for pizza or as a base for mussels or chicken Cacciatore.


Well-Known Member
I feel like we should start an entire LINE of "Holy tits my "blank" just walked in. My wife" threads for PURE parody purposes. And we can answer questions about things walking into places, that require the expletive of "HOLY TITS!"
But then again, I also thought taking mushrooms while dressed as Luigi Mario in the middle of the desert at night was a good idea...so....::shrugs::


Active Member
Yeah, short of copy and paste, I'm not sure you have a lot of options here. Perhaps if you use your feminine wiles, you can get a mod to take care of it all for you. ;-)
I decided to just do pic update for the last few weeks, then after lights on, I'll take today's pics and go from there! Oh, and anyone can post whatever they want in my journal, as long as you're not attacking people for no good reason. A journal with nothing but my plant pics would be boring after a couple of posts. Got mix in some socializing!


New Member
Oh dear Jesus MK. Don't tell me you're asian too! Just when I thought you couldn't get any cooler! Ha. I have the most extreme case of the yellow fever. I have not dated ONE non-asian (pacific islander for the particular filipinas) in 12 years. I can't help it. BUT for SOME reason I've NEVER dated a sicilian/Italian! (much to the grandparents dismay). I have a feeling they would be a spicy meat-a-ball too! But we'd probably stab each other with all theat hot marinara sauce boiling in out veins! God, isn't it very fucking fun to threadjack? Some of my favorite threads on this site are thread jack-offs! :)


Moderatrix of Journals
Oh dear Jesus MK. Don't tell me you're asian too! Just when I thought you couldn't get any cooler! Ha. I have the most extreme case of the yellow fever. I have not dated ONE non-asian (pacific islander for the particular filipinas) in 12 years. I can't help it. BUT for SOME reason I've NEVER dated a sicilian/Italian! (much to the grandparents dismay). I have a feeling they would be a spicy meat-a-ball too! But we'd probably stab each other with all theat hot marinara sauce boiling in out veins! God, isn't it very fucking fun to threadjack? Some of my favorite threads on this site are thread jack-offs! :)
well, you know, yellow IS the new blonde. (<-it's funny cuz it's *true*..... lol)
i have sent many a cabrider/yellow-beater into the world (<-beating as in "off", not "up").... my poor ex, who just happened to LUCK THE FUCK OUT when he met me (and then of course once you go yellow.....), after me had a string of the evil high-maintenance kind of yellabitches (whom i'm sure you've met), and is now the kind of yellowbeater who dates unsuspecting f.o.b.'s (f=fresh. b=boat). revenge is sweeeeet, and i didn't even have to DO anything. [sarcasm] except maybe just be my incomparably amazing self [/sarcasm] :oops:

lol, us too! 3 sisters + all white boys, little "tomorrow-people" (our pc version of 'breeds lol) offspring... my folks/grandma don't seem to mind much. if they cared much about racial purity i think they'd've stayed in the motherland. besides, hybrids are cuuuuuute. look at nl5 x bb.
i HAVE dated my share of italian stallions from all over the boot (but i don't think there's been a sicilian or corsican in the mix....). spicy meatball mama's boys. (not saying y'all are, just maybe the ones from my hood.) the ones i know (and most of the italians i know i've known for effing *ever) i'd rather have on my good side as 'friends'.... (what can i say? i'm an anglophile and my man's a wasp minus the p)

Holy tits my Marbleslinger just walked in and said "smoke me". MY WIFE!!!


Well-Known Member
Next time your wife comes in your green room, its time for naughty time, nothing like shagging my lady in front on my other ladies,


New Member
Fuckin Mello K! I wish I could triple like that post. Nay. I wish I could take that post out for dinner, give it a backrub and make sweet hot love to it. Yes, most ITALIANS are total mama's boys....That's why Sicilians make so much fun of them. We're the badass Italians that decided we were sick of "boot life" and wanted an existence of plunder and organized crime on treasure island (Sicily). My GOD, I have been through the entire yellow color spectrum. From the Fobbiest of Fobs (Oh Boy....) to a rather INSANE American Idol finalist who ended up giving me stitches with a kitchen knife. I finally have the one I was looking for.....Bossy Career bitch from an asian gangster family with her shit together BUT smokes as much weed as me AND has just the right amount of pinoy psycho. We are down with the hybrids too! If G13 x HawgsBreath is cute, I think our "Sicilipino" babies will be a nice cross. Just gotta do a lot of "backcrossing" with the original mother to achieve stability. Ha.


Moderatrix of Journals
this thread is officially in the WRONG section.

funny, like you, i haven't dated a lot of my own colour. i guess it's just too much like eating at home when you live in the restaurant district.
your girl sounds like my best friend (aka First Wife) except she's a nammer. i moved 100k out of town to be with my man, and the first time she came to visit, i got him to pick her up at the train station, and she gets in the car and tells him, "I'm still First Wife you know." fucking hirarious. (he was like "nice to see you too, there....?") <-i wasn't there so imagining this makes me lmao....

oh, and i'm not one but i believe for girls it's 'pinay'. correct me if i'm wrong.
baaa hahahaha your sicilipino babies better have an extra hand..... one for smoking and 2 for talking!! *roflmao*
it's ok, with my brit man and my asianness, we're probably gonna have a hard time keeping our kid's natural superiority complex in check... *even more roflmao*


New Member
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I love it! I'm dying over here. And yes, PINAY.....Trust me I hear about it alllll the time. the 3 hands thing?!?! Holy fuck that's just too much!!!!!! :) :) :)


Moderatrix of Journals
*budump ump*

aaaaand on that note, i've gotta go teach my 2yr old hybrid how to grow..... strawberries. (TOTAL RIUer-in-training, loves playing in dirt, helps me water, and this summer we're learning about weeding)


Well-Known Member