Home Blown


Well-Known Member
Started way back in 97 down in sedona az. As long as you are for scuba I am appy.
when i'm not glassblowing I like to make bubbles, not the hash kind the Scuba kind.


Well-Known Member
sweet pieces guys, that's slick, glassblowing is slick.. i had a buddy that did it, it was fun to watch..


Well-Known Member
I'm not sitting on a whole lot of stock right now. I've been mostly doing custom orders for the last little bit. You can pm me if you are interested in ordering one
I'll take pictures of what I have as soon as I get my camera back from a friend.


Well-Known Member
some more pieces from random folders on my hard drive
all made high in colorado between 2002-2006



Well-Known Member
this one is really cool

this has some really cool colors

i think this is my favorite so far

EDIT: after viewing full sized, ........... i really want this one. maybe you still have it?


Well-Known Member
that piece is currently goopy with resin at my brothers house, it looks sick all filled in
I could recreate this piece if you'd like


Well-Known Member
that piece is currently goopy with resin at my brothers house, it looks sick all filled in
I could recreate this piece if you'd like
not exactly, we want to keep it original, but something like it would be waaaay cool. i assume it does some pretty crazy color changing. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
awesome work man. +rep

how long were you learning before you could make pieces like that?


Well-Known Member
awesome work man. +rep

how long were you learning before you could make pieces like that?
Thanks Pie eye?
It took me at least a few years before I was ever really stoked on any of my pieces from an objective view point. It only took about 2 months before I was making something that I could pack and not be embarrassed busting out in front of strangers.
My first day on the torch I burned the shit out of my calf, walking into the hot kiln, and cut 3 fingers trying to break tube. It got better from there.


Well-Known Member
How do you learn to do this? I've always sorta wanted to blow glass. Smoking weed just makes me wanna do it even more.


Well-Known Member
The best way to start learning, IMO, is to find your local glass shop and ask if it is ok for you to sit and watch the artist work, packing bowls for him never hurts. After a few weeks of this you will be at the point where you understand the process and think it looks easy. You will tell yourself, "I can do that shit." Then if you are lucky you will get the opportunity to hop on a torch, where you will immediately discover that you know nothing as the hot gob of glass flails uncontrollably in your hand. Now you are ready to learn. Good practice is to dip a pencil in honey and pull it out, now spin the pencil so no honey drips onto the floor. That is a good way to get your hands and eyes on the same page as well as an introduction to gravity as it pertains to glasswork.