Home built cabinet 70w hps +55w cfl


New Member
Update time!! So they are really blowin up now and looking good, I had some light bleaching problems earlier in the week but it's all good now! There's also what appears to be a preflower on the "indica" but it's just a tiny speck at this point, I'm hoping that a couple of white hairs pop out in the next few days, if that happens I'm gonna take a clone or two and join in on the party cup grow contest...Anyway onto the pics people!

1926922_10203312784199882_1726161133_n.jpg1506599_10203312785279909_1643919935_n.jpg There they are folks getting big right?


New Member
Very soon Spanky just waitin for preflowers to tell me whats, what man. I just wish they would show I don't want them to get too big, I suppose if they do I could just top and LST them.


Well-Known Member
^ I dont advocate this, but it can be beneficial and it can ruin shit too, probably. But you can dim your lights a bit, say 11 on and that sometimes will help express.

When taking clones from regular seed I can throw clones into 7-9 hours on/the rest off, for about 7 days and they express sex quickly this way to test your mother or seed collection ie, etc. etc.

otherwise, waiting is good, topping could slow them down a lil from expressing unless they are already fully building.....:peace:


New Member
^ I dont advocate this, but it can be beneficial and it can ruin shit too, probably. But you can dim your lights a bit, say 11 on and that sometimes will help express.

When taking clones from regular seed I can throw clones into 7-9 hours on/the rest off, for about 7 days and they express sex quickly this way to test your mother or seed collection ie, etc. etc.

otherwise, waiting is good, topping could slow them down a lil from expressing unless they are already fully building.....:peace:

Thanks for the advice Abiqua:-o. I do plan on taking tops (for clones) if one or both are females but I didn't take into consideration that topping plus LST might be to much stress....Is it better to use a plant from seed as a mother or a clone, does it even matter?


Well-Known Member
Is it better to use a plant from seed as a mother or a clone, does it even matter?
I have used both. Ask that question to 10 people and you would probably get 10 kinds of answers. So that is just my experience, both work, but use what you enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Looks great man!! keep it up!! I like the idea of taking the light time back an extra hour to really force them to sex. I may apply that to my cab. I have a similar plan. Take clones off the tops (if female) and go from there.

I would take a fat cutting off the top of each plant now and let the bottoms bush out.

love your avatar Abuqua.


New Member
So I decided to switch the lights to 11/13 and take clones the day of my update but I don't think my clones are gonna make it, I think my cloning powder is too old but as far as the plants from seed are doing, their great the stretch is already happening but they're showing signs of nitrogen deficiency which they shouldn't be cause I'm using mg organic choice (not the best choice but it's the best I could get my hands on). anyway pics in 3 days or so, see you then fellow growers.

thanks for the compliment not4n I try to take care of them the best I can for what i can get my hands on.


Well-Known Member
I use water from my fishtank when my plants look a little shy on nitrogen...just be sure to check ph. I'm not talking just cannabis...everything loves that water!!! its a nice, cheap, NATURAL alternative to store bought stuff. And a fishtank adds a little classs to any room.


New Member
I miss having a fish tank but I can't get one until after i move in about 5-7 weeks.... I checked their preflowers and my indica was a definite male :cry: but I still have hope for a lil bit because the hybrid is now showing preflowers and they have that trademark teardrop shape that a female flower has but no hairs yet and that kinda makes me wonder if it could be a hermie or just an off the wall male. Can a female preflower like that? or is my wonderment possibly correct?

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
It ain't a hermie til it's a hermie. As for the preflower, I have no fucking clue. All my girls have shown pistil before I caught the preflowers, lol.


New Member
Hey all I was gonna post pics but after checking the preflower finding that it was a male I decided not to bother, but I will be joining you guys again in a few weeks after I move.

Thank for all the advice all and tuning in, Blackdeth

Maxed Out

Greetings fellow weed farmer. Read through all of the post and thought I'd throw my 2 copper coins in. You really need to paint the inside of your box or put up some type of reflective covering on the walls. Let aluminum foil be the last resort. The other thing I may suggest would be getting your lights closer to the plants. Good luck on your grow and may all your buds be fat & frosty.