home depot!


Well-Known Member
hey yall! i just got one question. what is the best type of soil you could but at home depot? or best soil you can get not from the internet. thanks everyone!
Get some thing that is good is hard to tell if you are not familliar with the products. I don't think they have Fox Farm (my nursery just got it in recently) maybe marathon? Stay away from the miricle grow. Make sure it has perlite in it, maybe earthworm castings, bat guano would be good, not too much (or any) wood or wood dust or anything like that. Maybe seeweed or bird droppings. You want a rich soil so your plants have some nute to work with in there and all the rocks and stuff will be for like how fast it drains. You can make your own?
I use equal parts perlite, peat moss and mushroom compost. I add 1 tablespoon of lime per gallon of soil. This mix is better than any bag of soil you can buy at home depot. This is pretty much promix.
i dunno about everyone else but the home depot around here doesnt have a lot of stuff for growing plants. all theyre good for is the lights
possitive, thats my friends mixture and it has yielded many succes stories for him. Thats how im gonna start my first grow.
here's my first grow using Miracle grow soil from Home Depot and some Miracle grow fertilizer for tomato 18-18-21.. I use for Veg. and Botanicaire Bloom with Big bud for Flower. This is Bag seed AK-48
they have scotts at home depot only in the big bags though but i believe they only have miracle grow perlite im using both now and having success
you have to define best...

if you want the easiest soil to use, USE MIRACLE GROW...

it is so simple....

Don;t veg long and flower early.. this will avoid a lot of problems..

Yeah if you have to go with Miracle-Gro, use the ORGANIC Miracle-Gro. Last time I was at Home Depot they had tons of it.