Home-made deer repellents that work? Let me know

Is this a joke bc I can see how that might work from a scientific perspective but there are a lot of goofballs on here telling me to get gorrillas and landmines and shit lmao

The first ones do for a time but, the deer get used to it and return anyway.

Human pee doesn't work for shit around here.
You can pee on the top of a bait pile and they will be right back and eating, minutes after you have left it..

I've watched this happen plenty....
Thinking of buying coyote pee, no mountain lions near by, just coyotes

Someone on here posted that an old timer he knew would hang some dead animal in a tree nearby. It would attract coyotes and deter deer.

Guess that works if you don't have pets or small children......
The deer don't like anything rotten or dead. Eggs left in sealed bucket of water in the sun for a week, same with blood meal. Pour that shit on and around your plants. You won't have deers eating plants doused in that, they won't even go close. You do have to re-apply after heavy rain. The egg thing is cheap and effective. Been using it around the house on shrubs and gardens for about 10 years in deer infested property....shit works.
The deer don't like anything rotten or dead. Eggs left in sealed bucket of water in the sun for a week, same with blood meal. Pour that shit on and around your plants. You won't have deers eating plants doused in that, they won't even go close. You do have to re-apply after heavy rain. The egg thing is cheap and effective. Been using it around the house on shrubs and gardens for about 10 years in deer infested property....shit works.
so what do I do after letting the eggs ferment? just drop them on a ground? Hang them up in the trees in plastic bags with holes in them, and can I also take the water the eggs have been sitting in and spray them on the plant? (obviously I'll spray the plant down before harvest to get the gunk off)

My question is whats the best, surefire way to use that method? and could I also mix in spice like habenero?