that 45 is fuckin badass!
i have 5 kids, therefore i decided not to keep any weapons in the house. i sleep very heavily. i got a can of bear spray, and the dog. the dog wont eat the kids, and i'm sure the kids will forgive me if i pepper gas them.
i had a friend that has kids, and just had to have a gun. so we cut out his sheetrock next to his night stand. on the back off the piece i cut out, i cut almost through with a razorblade. i made the cut like a big x corner to corner. i put inside the wall, a loaded 45 caliber with frangible bullets. meaning the pistol is like a little shotgun. fucks you up at close range, but rounds don't go through walls, then children. anyways, sealed that bitch up in the wall, retextured. i can barely tell, that the wall was altered.
if ever, he has an intruder, he punches the wall, and well, you know the rest.....