

Actually, I'm not. This hair color is not natural.
I'm sorry Morgan I was only jokin and I don't even know you...

On a serious note once people start cheatin around the spell is broken, you never quite trust each other again however much you may think you love each other or want to stay together, it maybe ok for a while but when your partner is out of the house or away the suspicion will twist you up in knots. I can only tell it from a guys perspective but what I see is guys don't have the blood pressure to operate a brain and a cock at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh he knows. She knows too. We have this situation handled. I called her, we talked. She wants nothing to do with him or me. The only way they communicate is through texts on the work phone or through email which is able to be seen by the owner of the company and me. So, long story short, we won't be having issues like this anymore. I don't want to get even because it'll destroy everything we have and my sons unique relationship between both parents (that is so rare now-a-days). I want my son to grow up with mom and dad being in love and in the same household. If it takes months to get over this, I will suck it up. He understands how bad he hurt me. He's constantly checking up on me and making sure I'm ok. Words are only words I know but something inside me tells me he is sincere. If he does screw up again (which I seriously doubt will happen) he will be shit out of luck. I will leave him, he will probably move to New York (by his choice), pay me child support, and only see his kid a few times a year. I like being a family and I will try my best to make my family strong. Even if it takes a long time to forgive.
I'm sorry, but if you believe anything that's been bolded you are extremely naive. You have not been a secret to this other woman, she knows about you and doesn't give a shit. Your boyfriend put her up to telling you it was over. They still work together, and are probably boning in her office this very minute, since you're on the east coast. He doesn't care how bad he hurt you, or else he never would of did it. And if you think he's going to pay child support from another state, the best of luck to you.

Get him and his boss fired for boning on the job, and make him forgive YOU. Either that or spend every day for the rest of your life wondering what these two people are doing all day alone together. Getting her fired will definattely kill any mojo they had together.


Well-Known Member
I see where you are coming from. Everyone has their own expectations for life and how to live their life. I agree, who says what's normal in life? Nothing is normal. Nothing is right. The only things right in life are the things that make us and the people closest to us happy.
pretty much... both my parents love me very much, and they get along pretty well... im just saying, if you ever decide to leave the asshole, the worst thing that could happen is the dad not being very much involved... the best would be two loving parents who did what was best, so they arent resentful or angry...


Active Member
On a serious note once people start cheatin around the spell is broken, you never quite trust each other again however much you may think you love each other or want to stay together, it maybe ok for a while but when your partner is out of the house or away the suspicion will twist you up in knots. I can only tell it from a guys perspective but what I see is guys don't have the blood pressure to operate a brain and a cock at the same time.
WOW! That is the best advice i've heard...possibly ...ever.


New Member
Staying together because you have a child is not only a serious mistake for you but the children as well. Do not do this, if anything else.


Well-Known Member
Staying together because you have a child is not only a serious mistake for you but the children as well. Do not do this, if anything else.

You do state a good point tony.To an extent.I guess it all depends if the adults are mature adults.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
My step-kids all say the same thing. They wished their parent had not stayed together for them. They all say life was better after the divorce.