homebox L, with 400W agrosun mh.

problem is getting worse and worse. i am going to flush it for the next 2 weeks of life this plant has.... maybe the leaves are dying off because its about at the end of its life? its on day 46. ill post pics later.
the yellowing is going up the plant... only on the big fan leaves and now i notice some of the tiny leaves coming out of the buds dont look to good either. i was thinking of flushing it real good and see what happens. harvest is in 2 or so weeks anyways. might as well start the flushing process.




these were just taken... let me know what you all think.
Don't stress it bro. That yellowing is normal and to be expected. As the plant enters the final stage of maturity it will begin to use the nitrogen stored in the leaves to process the P and K you are feeding into big buds. So don't try to fight the yellowing. But the necrotic spots and purple stems do indicate that you could stand to add more K. I would do one more strong feed with the beastie bloomz before you start your flush.
thanks mared juwan. you the man

would it hurt to go out and buy a bottle of molasses from the store and add it while flushing the next 2 weeks?

i figured squiggs could do this to help his chance of having a smoother, more flavorful smoke.
thanks mared juwan. you the man

No probz man. I think you've done very well for a first grow. Still some more growth to take place but the difficult parts are behind you. Now that you are on the home stretch don't be surprised if your leaves really start to go to hell. Your plant will look like it is dying because... well, it is. The buds are literally sucking the life out of the leaves. This is what you want so just let nature take its course.

Skitzo brings up a good point. Molasses is supposed to add flavor as well as carbos to increase yield. I grow soiless so molasses is a bit too sticky and will gum up the works for me but I hear it is great for soil. I've used sweetener products that are supposed to work like molasses but are usable in hydro. GH Floranectar being the one I primarily use. I've also been experimenting with apple juice lately but that's a topic for another thread. Personally I would go without any sweeteners for a first grow. It's good to see what the pure taste of what you've grown is like. I choose not to use the sweeteners on some of my strains because the pure flavor is perfect as it is and the sweetener will mask that flavor.
this isnt my first grow... well, its my first "legit" grow. the plant in my sig is my first grow.... it was only about 22-23 inches and yielded around 43 grams wet. lol. but yea, im not going to add any sweeteners.... i gave it more beastie bloomz yesterday and then just flushing it from here on out.
wow i just spent 30min checking out your thread, it looks amazing man. i was reading you can tell if the plant is mature by checking out the trichs?? what exactly do you look for w/a magnifying glass/telescope??
chop chop chopped her down... 197.2 grams wet... over 7 ozs. cant wait to see whats left when dried. that weight is alot of stem though... pics to come... the cola itself was 68 grams.
Damn bro. Yea might have been a little early there. Those buds are going to shrivel up like crazy to maybe 1/4 the size when they're dry. But sometimes waiting time can outweigh those concerns so you should be happy. Looks like some dank. You have any future grow plans? You could get some crazy yields with what you learned on this grow.
my roomate is having the house appraised as soon as we get a few more house upgrades done... so i have to wait until after that. i do have a outdoor grow planned. but i think im just going to do the indoor thing in the winter months. thanks for following my grow. hopefully the smoke is real good, even though it was chopped a little early. ill give the smoke report and more pics of it dried.
Yea don't get me wrong it is going to be some fire. I forget if this was bagseed or you knew the strain but either way the genetics look solid. Congrats man!
i got the seed from my friend who is going to school with a guy who has been growing this strain he "made" he says hes been growing this particular strain for a long time. its all he said, she said. i never met the dude. but it definatly worked out.
smoke is awesome! good blend of head high and body high. i hung them for 3 days and they were crisp... put them in mason jars and closed the lid for the day... came home and took a bong hit. smells earthy still, but tastes amazing. gonna let it cure in the jars longer. it ended up weighing right in at 2 ozs. 56 grams i cut lots of stems off. pics to come.