Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry


Well-Known Member
Hello, Hope this turns out right :)
The grow room is a homebox small.
For veg I am using five 85watts CFL with 5700k
For flowering I am going to use Osram Plantastar 400watt in a cooltube.
I will be putting in my Filter and exhaust fan in 3 weeks.
I am growing in soil from Gartengold with correct PH around 6 to 6.5.
I will be using Hesi Nutrients Root complex, PK13-14, Bloom and TNT.
I am growing two feminized white widows, 2 feminized strawberry coughs and 2 blueberries (hopefully they will turn out female as well)
I have smallish fan working in there as well.
There is a vaportronic with neutral discs waiting...
So that is basically the equipment and now lets start.

I have put the seeds directly to soil to germinate and all of them came out in 3 days which was 19th of May.

Here are a couple of low res photos, I will be putting higher quality photos in the next updates.

The one with the problem is one of the strawberry coughs, I would be happy to hear your comments on what could be wrong.

I live in a very hot climate, with a lot of humidity, but the humidity has not started yet, also inside my homebox it seems hot and definitely not humid, I am putting some extra water to the bases so it would evaporate and make the box more humid.


Well-Known Member
i think since your plants are so tiny you should make a bubble dome for humidity until they get bigger.

also i think you should use the 400 watt all the time not the cfls.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, but my HPS is 2100k, so I thought it would be better kept for flowering?
The bubble dome, I ll check the forum and will find out the way to do it :) thanks


Well-Known Member
Hmm, but my HPS is 2100k, so I thought it would be better kept for flowering?
The bubble dome, I ll check the forum and will find out the way to do it :) thanks
im confused haha you have a 2100 watt? i thought you had a 400 ?


Well-Known Member
No, the hps is 400watts but 2100k (color temp) which is suitable for flowering I guess.
The cfl s combined 425watts and 5700k which is for veg.
oh i c yea your plants will be fine with that much light. humidity is very important when the plants are young so just look for the dome :joint:


Well-Known Member
A pic update about my take on humidity dome.
I am trying to be sure that is the problem, I am also inclined to think that maybe the roots are not getting enough air. The pots had no holes for dripping, so I opened 3 small holes at the bottom, the soil also has no perlite or anything like it mixed. Do you think that may be the case? Anyhow here the pics update.

5th day:




Well-Known Member
When should I start them feeding with root complex and TNT?
They have sprouted on 19th of May...


Well-Known Member
A pic update about my take on humidity dome.
I am trying to be sure that is the problem, I am also inclined to think that maybe the roots are not getting enough air. The pots had no holes for dripping, so I opened 3 small holes at the bottom, the soil also has no perlite or anything like it mixed. Do you think that may be the case? Anyhow here the pics update.

5th day:




Active Member
I personally would stick with the cfl's for the veg, it is alot of wasted juice and light use to your hps for veg when the spectrum is mainly for flowering. Not to mention way less heat issues & you can get right on top of them with the cfls.

Like i said thats what I would do, continuing to use the hps to veg will work and people do it and will swear by it.


Well-Known Member
I plan on changing the two weak ones with new seedlings, I am gonna germinate them outside between paper towels to catch up with the others, I think it would be the best choice. They started off bad, maybe its better not to push them.

When do you think I should start adding the vitamins, I have a hesi grow chart for soil but it is for clones...


Well-Known Member
As of today I started feeding them little by little with TNT Complex and Root Mix by Hesi, lets see how it will turn out. Pic update coming up.


Well-Known Member
Ok, they are on day 10 since sprouting.
They started showing up on 19th of May.
Today I started feeding them with half a dose of root complex and tnt

here we start with the blueberry, it seems it grows a little slower

this is my strawberry cough feminized

here is my strongest white widow feminized

here is the other one


Well-Known Member
My tent is way too hot
The temps are around 104 to 110 Fahrenheits (40-44celsius)
That is the reason why they are growing slowly I guess
But none of them has curly leaves or whatever, they look healthy but grow small
My fan system is coming next week, hopefully it will help
Altough it is very hot outside too and it is getting hotter
I am open to any suggestions.


Well-Known Member
I have bring down the temps to 29 when lights are off and 35 (in celsius) when lights are on, I think it helped, I had to get an ac which works with water and consumes less than 60watts, also I started adding ph down when watering as my water is around 7.5ph when untreated.

I hope nothing else goes wrong, I have found out one pot containing fungus and took it out,there is also one plant which looks very week (not in the above pic) I will take that one of too, and plant the two in the mid bottom pot to those, as the mid bottom pot has 3 plants in it.

I am afraid of mites, there are some outside (on my catii and flowers) but thats a guess, the web can be from an ordinary spider as well though unlikely... Any suggestions for protection is also appreciated (I prefer diy natural ones)


Well-Known Member
I am afraid of mites, there are some outside (on my catii and flowers) but thats a guess, the web can be from an ordinary spider as well though unlikely... Any suggestions for protection is also appreciated (I prefer diy natural ones)
They were mites, I took immediate action. There is an organic diy solution consisting of:
1liters of water, 2 spoons of sunflower oil, there is an organic soap, called arabic soap in where I live, 2 spoons of that, plus very little amount of mashed garlic, like a tablesoon.

This is sprayed under and over the leaves without soaking but fully covering the leaves.

The mites were running aways as if there were a fire. This was my immediate action.

The I ordered electromagnetik and ultrasonic pest control machine, hopefully it will prevent further problems with any kind of pests.


Well-Known Member
I know most prefer to write their growjournals on their own without other people s messages
But I would be delighted to hear frm you guys :)
So dont hesitate to write please...


Well-Known Member
Ok this is the latest update with the two plants transplanted to two other pots,
I gave all of them half strength PK13/14 and TNT Complex
