Homegrownlights.com review?

Does anyone have experience with this company and their products? I have a very small stealth cab that heats up more than I would like, and looking into their 14w kits seems to be a good way to go without breaking the bank. I'm pretty skilled with a soldering iron, so assembly won't be a problem. My growing spaces footprint is only 15"x8" so I'm thinking that two or three panels would be optimum. Any suggestions? Oh yeah, I currently have two 70 watt HPS in there.


Active Member
wow man after seeing the price....I dont know about all that. Sounds like any other random LED's. search this site for LED threads and you will find great info. I would check out peoples pics and evem message them to see if they will share specifics with you. If I went LED, personally, Id probably end up spending around 2000 bucks to light up a 4x4 area, it just isnt cost effective IMO. Seemingly obvious results though, watt per watt. By the way, theres no way that 100w LED light is gonna cover 10 square feet well
My growing space is 15 inches by 8 inches. I'm looking at these as a means of bringing my stealth cabinet temps down. Do you think that at this kind of space premium, that those lights are not worth my effort?


Active Member
wow okay so your growing area is soooooo tiny. for 40 bucks, I'd try it if I had a micro grow, for sure. I suppose I should read a bit more carefully
So my next question... I'm looking to place 3 of these in my cab. Could I get away with less? Is 3 too many? So we can estimate that if each LED is putting out 10 lumen, then a single panel puts out 2700 lumen. How much light do I need for such a small square footage?


Well-Known Member
Personally if I were you I would take the 70w HPS out and go with a 150 remote ballasted which may give you more room and less heat if your ballasts on those small lights are not removed from the grow area. IMHO a 150 puts out more light at more intensity which penetrates better for better growth. You may try using that with a plate of glass under it to sort of restrict the area of heat dissipation. Ventilation is key which I know can make a stealth grow rather un-stealthy at times but good axial fans help.
Good luck and happy growing.
Okay, so there are 2 70 watt hps's in there. The heat that they produce isn't too bad, but the magnetic ballasts associated with those are pretty hot items. I'm going for ultimate stealth so if at all possible, I would like to eliminate the need for cooling. The only idea I have so far is to place the ballasts in a small tub of mineral oil for liquid cooling. Currently the cab is in a temporary set up buried in the back of my closet. The ballasts are on top of the cabinet, on the outside, so they are not contributing to the heat inside the cab. The top vent is also not on, and I have a fan blowing in the front of the grow area. I already have a piece of glass cut in between the light chamber and growing chamber. The inside of the grow chamber reads about 88-89 degrees farenheit. But the closet itself, I think because of the ballasts, is about 140 degrees. I'm not too concerned for light penitration as the inside of the box is so small, I'm going to do small plants and a hella lot of lst. Or a micro SOG, I can fit 2 rows of 4 party cups max in there. If I can eliminate the space needed for the lights, ballasts, and cooling components, I can focus more space to odor control. With how it's set up now, there's not much space in there for that.
Well I did it anyway, got a paycheck today so decided to take on a project. I made a small carbon scrubber for only a few bucks and it seems to work pretty well.