Homemade fertilizer

Hey guys, im in the process of my first grow and i've heard multiple people talking about fertilizers you can make at home. I know more than half the crap you read online is BS, and i just wanted to get some EXPERIENCED growers advice. What kind of fertilizers can I home make. I have a bunch of grass clippings, orange peel, banana peels. Would they be worth using?


Active Member
No let me just say this. Gardening takes a bit of time to learn right, and even then it takes even longer to master and I doubt any grower out there feels they know and seen it all.

You are just starting out so don't try to climb Mount Everest for your first go at it, find a nice short mountain with a view so you can succeed and move on from there to the next one- not just die half way up (well you won't but your plants probably will).

Start out by picking a good forgiving medium such as any general potting mix or Coco Coir. Then buy yourself a reputable brand of fertilizer from a hydroponic store EVEN IF YOU AREN'T USING HYDRO because you want quality with lots of micro and macro elements. I was using just general old gardening section fertilizer from a shop like Wall Mart for tomato's and ornamental plants and they looked diseased and dieing. I couldn't understand why because i kept fertilizing but i figured it must be pests or disease. Then one day I used nutrients I mixed up using real shit for my indoor grow and it only took a few short days for them to burst back with fat green leaves.

Sorry I wrote so much but bottom line is you have to get so many things right- don't shoot yourself in the foot by trying to make fertilizer when you don't even know if you can get the other stuff right yet.


Active Member
LOL don't encourage him. Why don't you just tell him to genetically engineer a whole new plant and then build his own grow lamp from scratch. There will be time to look up advanced guides after he has learnt the basics. Biting off more than you can chew doesn't mean you learn to swallow faster- it means you choke and die and fail.
Thank you very much, that was very helpful. I think im gonna take your advice, cause id hate to have my plants die. You have to crawl before you can walk. Im talking baby steps right now, im gonna put on some fresh good soil on top of my plants. Good idea? or no