Homemade hydro food? (for thought)


Well-Known Member
Would it sound anywhere near realistic to make a solid batch of homemade hydro food, breaking down to about 2 dollars-ish USD for 100 gallons? Ran across some very interesting information, but have never touched a hydro system. If it's semi-viable, it may be an avenue to explore for me at sometime in the near future. If recipe, or item break down composition-wise vs cost is needed to say if it's BS or not, would gladly provide it. (I have 2 recipes, bud and grow)

Thanks in advance, as I'm quite curious :twisted:



Well-Known Member
you could do it, but dollar/dollare. time/time, its better to get ready made.

and the consistency is better


Well-Known Member
you could do it, but dollar/dollare. time/time, its better to get ready made.

and the consistency is better
I understand the consistency part, makes perfect sense given static, or almost static conditions for optimal growth crop after crop.. I just figured that price vs quantity possible even if not all mixed at once for a test run... making sure it's mixed and stored properly so nothing settles could prove quite advantageous to someone who's looking for a more economical, yet not guaranteed 'more safe' run at a set of crops.


Well-Known Member
I'd guess that ready-made hands-down destroys homemade mix, based on the lack of replies to this - helps guide me, thank you greatly =)


Well-Known Member
Ah ha, so such things are already in circulation - will compare the info I ran across to that link and see how similar it is - thank ya much =)


Well-Known Member
i run a full line of botanicare pure blend pro with additives and it cost me $1.14 per ounce of dried buds from veg to harvest. and all i have to do is open a jug.


Active Member
Would it sound anywhere near realistic to make a solid batch of homemade hydro food, breaking down to about 2 dollars-ish USD for 100 gallons? Ran across some very interesting information, but have never touched a hydro system. If it's semi-viable, it may be an avenue to explore for me at sometime in the near future. If recipe, or item break down composition-wise vs cost is needed to say if it's BS or not, would gladly provide it. (I have 2 recipes, bud and grow)

Thanks in advance, as I'm quite curious :twisted:

Yes 100%..