isnt acid all chemicals nd shit..that comes from a plant?? im never done acid but salvia is close
sorry man, acid and salvia are not alike.
if you really want to make lsd, which i dont recommend, you should take several chem and bio-chem classes and study some of a. shulgins work, like pihkal and tihkal. they have a method of synthesis for many chems but you would need to have experience in chemestry to calculate the proper measurements and to actually carry out something of that sort.
just my 2 cents.

besides you wouldnt want to harm yourself or others with some bunk lsd.
so you might want to leave it to the few psychadelic chemists that are left.
as for peyote, that would be something almost any greenthumb can handle... try looking at san pedro, puruvian torch, and a few others that contain mescaline.

sorry just cant seem to stop my rambling.
all in all just leave it to the experts.