Homemade oil for my vape pen

The c cell cartridges are 510 threaded so will work on any battery that is 510 threaded. And the palm battery that c cell has is a 510 thread so any 510 threaded cart will work on it.
awesome, thank you. I think what confuses me is that they say the buttonless batteries have to have bottomless draw cartridges or something like that. But aren't most of them bottom draw?
I wouldn't bother with the pens... very poor performance due to skimping on battery power....I just got my first proper mod today (the part that keeps the battery and controls), I'm just using the tank from my cheaper e-pen and the taste and vapor production is sooooooo much more. It is as if sucking on the cheap pens is enough to cool down the coils... Even driving my little clearomiser at only 8W, I can barely take a six second draw, it is just so much better.
I went with an eleaf istick from a local shop. I have the c cell batteries for people that aren't sure if they want to spend more but the read is variable wattage from 1 to 40. Anything over 20 will burn out most coils though unless the coil is made for that. Think it was about 30 bucks and the charge lasts about a week until it needs recharged. It uses a usb cable to a mini usb jack and can even be used while charging. There are many choices so good luck.
yeah Im mostly making carts to flip and i think most people have the cheaper 510 pen batteries, so I just need it to work with those. I'd be interested in getting something nicer for myself. I"m unfamiliar with vaping so this is all new to me. I dont want something that has 1000 settings and blows up my pocket, lol.
You can adjust the wattage the units put out... unless you get a mechanical mod... this just completes a circuit through your coil to the battery when you press the button.
I contacted wax liquidizer two days ago and one of the reps got back with me because I’m still having problems with fats and lipids in my Vape juice that apparently the filters did not get out the reps name is happy vapor
He sent me a link to two separate Vape device that he said are designed to Vape non winterized E juice
He is going to try to get me a discount code on Monday . I have ran another batch of EJUICE through the filters and I was more careful this time. I’m only getting about two days out of a pen before I have to clean it because it gets milky
not yet I was asking the other two if they thought it was decent or not compared to what they have. I guess I never considered doing it frequently and using a "tank" (which is really just a big refillable cart, right?)
not yet I was asking the other two if they thought it was decent or not compared to what they have. I guess I never considered doing it frequently and using a "tank" (which is really just a big refillable cart, right?)
Yes, that is essentially right...

You get the following main types of "tanks", one of which is not a tank...
RTA: rebuildable Tank Atomiser... these are tanks with one or two rebuildable wire coils or meshes....
RDA rebuildable Drip Atomiser... These are the stubbies you often see on mods with no glass, as it has no tank (some may have a recess that holds a bit of juice in the wick)
RDTA which is somewhat like both....

For oils, I would recommend a dripper... If you run good oil, you can use a single drop like dripping shatter on a rig.
I forgot to add an important point....
THC vapes best at 365-405 degress Fahrenheit, so you need a mod with good temperature control... check out a few Youtube video reviews if you see a mod you like, before comiting the cash on a unit with a cheapy processor in.
The unit I have is a Smoant Cylon...
so, the more I read, the more i realize I dont know. Probably a stupid question, but if i'm gonna be using 4-8 watts to be powering my carts (or tanks or atomizers, which i'm learning are all kind of the same thing, the concentrate holding thingy?) what is the difference between the 25w and the 100w eleafs, or any "mod" for that matter? Is it related to how many times I can fire it at that watt before the battery runs out? I"m trying to read through some "vaping 101" websites right now and really go back to figuring it out on a 1st grade level. I saw that a lot of these are "sub ohm" and I dont know if thats something I need or not? My reading says thats where it gets risky because it will fire no matter what, whether it will destroy shit or not.
with the ccell being only 20 bucks, and some of these eleafs around 30-40, I may get one of each and just see what one works better for me. I know my wife will use the ccell, she much prefers the simpler, plug and play shit.