Honesty get's you nowhere


Well-Known Member
I haven't had a private physician in over 2 years.
So I decided it was time to maybe see one.
They give you all kinds of paperwork to fill out when you get there.
It's mostly questions about your family history of sickness and illness, but also included is questions on what kind of medications your taking.
So being the naive person I sometimes can be.
I put down that I'm a daily marijuana smoker and underneath it I put that myself and
some of my family suffers from bi-polar and depression, which is the truth.
Well, the doctor comes in and gives me a complete physical.
Then the doctor told me that the only way they'll treat me is if I went through a 3 month drug program and saw a psychiatrist.
I was pissed about what the doctor said and asked what gives you the idea that I'm a drug addict?
The doctor basically told me what New York State tells him to say.
That anyone who is using an illegal substance they can't or won't treat them until they get off the illegal drugs.
Which is complete Bullshit.
Now, I have to go find another doctor
and basically be dishonest and lie just to be treated.


Well-Known Member
And people want the government more involved in their health care?????:roll:

That sucks, but I wouldn't have said anything about it.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Oh I'm so sorry that is bullshit! Its not like you were taking crack or something..my god how stupid! Yea I would def find another doc and just not mention it..it sucks but you need medical care and if thats the only way to get without being treated like a criminal then I see no other choice! Just smoke one and forget about the dick!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
haha i see it now...takeing piss samples if not you lose your coverage..lmao..
:cuss:That's when they get one of these:finger: and I move to Canada!

They're already talking about taxing you if you don't have insurance whats next? Mandatory Dr visits?:finger: I'm 31 and haven't been to a Dr in 12. As long as I take care of my self, who needs one?:peace:


Well-Known Member
yea well, see. this is what happens when the insurance companies are running the medical sector. they've bot off the politicians and get laws passed that benefit them - only. they've made it so difficult for doctors to treat their patience any other way than what the insurance companies dictate. Now people say big government shouldn't be running healthcare. well i say bullshit. it's better that the insurance companies run healthcare. fuck that. all this polarity has got to go. it's not the republicans against the democrats and vice versa. it both parties against the insurance companies. sorry for ranting.


Well-Known Member
yea well, see. this is what happens when the insurance companies are running the medical sector. they've bot off the politicians and get laws passed that benefit them - only. they've made it so difficult for doctors to treat their patience any other way than what the insurance companies dictate. Now people say big government shouldn't be running healthcare. well i say bullshit. it's better that the insurance companies run healthcare. fuck that. all this polarity has got to go. it's not the republicans against the democrats and vice versa. it both parties against the insurance companies. sorry for ranting.
Rant on!!! I'm not trying to say the way it is is OK. I just don't think more regulation is the answer.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Just goes to show that being honest with a physician get's you nowhere.
Their just gonna place judgement on you and treat you like your a piece of shit.
It shouldn't be like this.
But I gave this alot of thought last night.
In a small way I can kinda understand their position.
How can they know how to treat you if your using something that's not regulated.
What if they prescribe you something that reacts with the high of cannabis.

So maybe being honest, saved my ass from taking something that would harm me in the long run.
Or maybe not.


Well-Known Member
What happened to doctor patient confidentiallity? whats it gotta do with the New York State!!

What if they prescribe you something that reacts with the high of cannabis.
i understand what ur saying there, it probly is to cover their own arse but they should just treat u...what u do in ur spare time is ur business...:evil:


Naw dude, Ive never had a reaction with anything while Im using weed. Just the state of NY has laid out guidlines that they must follow or the Doc could lose his license to practice if he knew... No biggy, find a dif doc and dont tell them shit.