Honey oil method for cheapo??


I was just wondering if anybody can tell me if theres any way id be able to use like a plastic bottle or somethinglike that to put the weed in and extract the oil? I donthave any pvc pipe or any thing like that so i need to improvise. N e methods?


Well-Known Member
$5 at lowes/menards/home depot will get you done. you need a short lenght of 1 1/2" pvc(12-18" is good) and 2 end caps for it. in the first cap drill a single hole in the center to fit the butane nozzle. in the other cap drill half a dozen holes about half the size of the first hole. now fill you pipe with herb, put a piece of coffee filter in the multi-holed endcap, put both caps on and make oil!


Well-Known Member
yeah just use a Gatorade bottle they are strong... just take the top and make a few holes and put a few screens in the lid and try to put like a O-ring on top the screens to hold them in.. then make a hole on the bottom for the bottle of butane.. and whalla... but the pvp methead is a lot easer and its better


Well-Known Member
Dont the butane strip the pvc of deadly toxins ?
no. the inside of my pvc pipe looks the same as it did when i bought it and ive run gallons of butane through it.

but if your that concerned...a real deal honey-bee extractor is only 25-30 bucks US


Well-Known Member
i use a coffee filter, pull it tight over the top of the bottle, hold it loosely and push down on the opening lightly to push the coffee filter a little inside the bottle, hold it firmly and screw the cap on. you might have to try a couple of times so you dont tare the filter


I had another question to.. If i only wanted to do a small amount would i be able to use a pill jar and fill that with weed and do it?


Active Member
no. the inside of my pvc pipe looks the same as it did when i bought it and ive run gallons of butane through it.

but if your that concerned...a real deal honey-bee extractor is only 25-30 bucks US
whats a reao deal honey bee extractor?